Jaime and Rainer

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Rainer Phillips is a great guy. He's smart, nurturing, and athletic. Although he's bad at social situations, he's a really cool guy to be around. Not to mention his dad's rich...
Then there is me. Jaime Lukas. A typical guy whose good at computers, playing games, and is best friends with the perfect Rainer. I'm not envious of him, in fact, I really admire him. He's so nice and caring and whenever he sees me he gives me a big warm hug. Although I'm sure it's only because I'm his best friend and he wants me to feel cared for.

Rainer actually has a secret that no one else knows. He's gay... But he doesn't have a boyfriend or even has had one. It's a bit weird but he might just be asexual. I'm not completely sure. He hasn't told his parents and even I'm a bit scared about how they'll react. But I know if worse comes to worse, I'll be there for him. I'll support him. Cause he's my best friend.
We've been best friends since first grade. I was sitting at the lunch table with my Mickey Mouse lunchbox and I noticed he was alone. I moved over and talked to him. From then on we've always eaten together. Whether it be lunch or dinner, we're inseparable.

But now, there is something that could completely break our friendship. I can hear his thoughts!

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