part 1- getting to grips

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heyya well this is kinda dirty so yeah......i hope you directioners like it :)

this is a fan fiction about one direction's Liam Payne.


Liam-Liam Payne

poppy- poppy may

beth- beth pine

bryony-bryony prince

ilham- ilham joy

louis-louis Tomlinson

Niall- Niall horan

zayn-zayn Malik

harry- harry styles

please comment what you think and vote. i know i sound like a beg but please and share with your friends :)

The night was going slow as me and my friends wandered into the final bar of the night "last bar right?" i impatiently asked "yeah don't worry, we will go home after this" Bethany said as we opened the bar door walking in. We all walked up to the bar in our jeans, tops and heels. But still glammed up.

We got the normal male acknowledgement like; whistles and glances. Nothing we couldn't handle.

"could we have 2 sex on the beach cocktails, a bloody Mary and a pint of Stella please" bryony politely asked the bar man "yep. So what you ladies up to tonight then?" the barman asked whilst pouring our drinks. "um just having a Girls Night Out really" i exclaimed as he passed the drinks over "sounds fun" he replyed "yeah could be better but we all have work in the morning so its best to not get to hammered" Bethany said "yeah well have a good evening ladies" he said walking of to serve another customer.

" Wow hes hot" ilham blushed pointing at the customer the bar man was serving a blond shy looking guy. She Flapped her hand round her face like a fan. The guy glanced over winking at ilham "did you did you oohh god" ilham sat down at a table making sure not to collapse to the floor. "okay ilham hes good looking but hes blond not for me" i said sitting next to her "ilham hes gorg" bryony said as she slowly sipped her drink. "guys really i like his hair but not really my type. I like curls" Bethany said pushing her opinion out there "yeah well hes mine so." ilham stuck her tongue out cheekily.

As she stood up with her drink walking over to the bar to chat up the blond guy up "well looks like we have lost her" me and beth said turning around to face bryony who was already talking to a guy with brown hair and good fashion sense "i love your braces" i over heard her say as she cheekily pinged one.

"oh god" me and beth sat awkwardly on the next table. "well look at them too hey. Well i got you" i said to Bethany "you sure do" as she finished her sentence two guys approached our table "excuse me" a shyish but manly deep voice said hesitating "yes" i replyed looking him up and down but not obviously. "me and my mate where wondering if we could sit here." he said pointing to the chairs opposite us "yeah sure" beth replyed moving her glass closer to her. "hi I'm Harry Styles" the curly haired guy said fixing his hair "I'm beth pine" Bethany replyed. Her eyes stuck on the curly guy in front of her.

"I'm Liam, Liam Payne" the shyer guy gulped. He had a brunette quiff and some hunky shoulders not to big just right"hi Liam,I'm Poppy May" i replyed trying to reassure him i wasn't going to bite well not now anyway."i have never see you girls here before" harry stated " yeah we normally don't come here but we though wed go to a quieter bar for a more relaxed night really" beth replyed. In my head i said "pfft quieter night with this hot guy sitting in front of me I'm gunna lick him up and down and he better make me scream LOUD" i said in my head giggling to my self like a moron.

"oh well we always come here its like our relax bar " Liam said as he gained more confidence by the second "ahaha look at ilham beth" i laughed nudging Bethany. Ilham was balancing pints on her head just like the blond guy, looked like a competition. "that's cute" Bethany replyed "aha that's Niall one of our mates" harry chuckled "he normally does weird stuff" Liam added smirking to himself "so does ilham. A perfect match" i said still giggling.

Lust for Liam - Liam Payne fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now