36. Friend or Foe?

Start from the beginning

"Your life is two lives now."

My teeth grind so hard, I can practically feel my gums rubbing against each other. I glare at Nicole but don't really see her. Instead, there's another's face in my sight, another voice in my head, and the subtle reminder of the promise I made to him: I won't talk about death like that.

Stupid Kim Taehyung with his stupid face, stupid voice, and stupid words. Stupid!

Without taking my eyes off Nicole I clutch the cold gun handle tucked into the holster at my forearm. And when she has a clear view of the deadly metal gripped between my fingers I notice how all the color drains from her face. A small gasp, colored with panic and shock, drifts from her parted lips.

"If I didn't know any better," I speak, my words harsh and still, "I'd think you'd never seen a gun before."

"Y/N-" her voice creaks like nails down a ceramic plate before breaking into dry laughter, "Chto ty delayesh? Eto ne smeshno." (What are you doing? It's not funny.)

"Good, because it wasn't supposed to." My hand deliberately raises, pointing the barrel at her face. "You see, Nicole, I and the person you're currently working for don't differ much." I articulate sternly, "What makes you think that he will get you killed for being a two-timer but I won't?

Her lips tremble, fox-like eyes losing their surety of safety as she looks like she'll be sick at any moment.

"And to answer your question; I'm not trusting you, that's what I'm doing. You wanted to take me somewhere, right? Then move, I'm coming. But one wrong move and I won't hesitate to shoot."

"Y/N, what ar-"

"Believe me," I speak over her quaking voice, "I may even shed a tear afterward but I won't hesitate to pull the damn trigger, so you'd better not test me."

Nicole hesitates. I can see it in her eyes but she also fears and my icy glare glued on her face isn't helping. She gives me a downhearted nod before silently moving towards her motorcycle and offering me the place behind her. I follow her without uttering a word, still pointing the gun at her.

As I position myself behind her, I make sure to slide the safety of my gun on. Because no matter how many threats leave my mouth, they are nothing but sheer despair hidden behind the angel's bluff. Because in the end, no matter what, I won't be able to harm someone dear to my heart, someone I consider a sister. I scoff. Maybe the only difference between me and Mac.

Nicole, however, needs to stay oblivious to that fact. And she will.

The only two people who were ever able to see through my proficient bluff were my dear brother and Yoongi. Luckily for me, none of them is here.

⌛ ᯽ ⌛ ᯽ ⌛

The place Nicole leads me is a penthouse apartment in the apartment complex located in the center of Seongdong-gu. For a kid of 22 with no parental figure in sight and no confirmed occupation, Nicole's doing pretty well in life.

When she opens the door, looking like she might cry at any moment, all the lights are on. Had I not known her as well as I do, I'd think there's someone at home. But as a person who sometimes had the honor of sharing a room with her, I know she never switches off the lights. Too scared of the monster that might hide in the dark and adorably oblivious to the fact that the monsters hiding in plain sight are equally dire and horrendous, if not worse.

"Still a scaredy-cat I see," I observe, stepping in after her and locking the front door. With a sonorous import, the snap of the lock pierces the deadly silence of the apartment. Nicole casts an anxious look towards me but says nothing regarding the matter.

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