Her game pt 2

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He jolt from his seat and look around. He saw you with a worried face and hug you tight.

"Chim what's wrong?" You pat his back and he snuggle more into you. "I had a bad dream" he said. "Let's talk about this at home okay, people are staring at us right now" he look around and he realizes that he's still at the cafe.

In the car

"So tell me what happen" you said as your eyes are focused on the road. He sigh and leaned back. "I dreamt that we're nearly get into an accident". He run his hand through his hair. "I'm scared Hana... I'm not scared about me... I'm scared that you and our babies life's in danger. I can't afford to lose you guys..." You park the car aside and held his cheek. "Chim, don't think about it too much. We're fine and you know I can protect myself right?" "With you in this condition? Baby can you please don't risk yourself?" You pull him in for a kiss. "I know my limit Chim. Just focus on your work and your health okay?" He nod and after making sure he is okay, you continue your drive.

Park Building..

"Hyung make sure that she won't get a chance to do anything" He said to TaeJoon and leaned back on his chair once Taejoon walk out from his office. The door suddenly opened. "Wow never know that my brother and you are working on a project together". Jimin sigh. "Don't you know how to knock?" he ask with a frustrated voice. "Why should I?" Taehyung said and take a seat in front of Jimin. "You still thinking about that slut?" Jimin nod. "Stop worrying chim, we're all here. I bet she can't go far with her little easy peasy game" Jimin sigh again. "I'm just worried about my wife's safety Tae... with her in that condition... what if---" "stop being negative bro, Hana knows how to protect herself. We are also with you so don't worry about it" Taehyung reassure him. "Is Jungkook with Hana?". Tae nod. "As usual, they're fighting who's gonna eat ore chocolate in 10 seconds" . Jimin chuckle. 


"Kook! come eat!" You yell while scooping the food in the bowl and set it on the dining table. "Kook!" you yell again but Jungkook still not here. "Did he left?" You walk to the laundry room where he said he want to help you with the laundy. "Kook you there?" You look around but nothing and only sound from the washing machine doing its work. "Jungkookie!" Suddenly you heard a knock on the door. "Did he went out?" You walk to the door carefully and was about to turn the door knob until a hand pulls you back covering your mouth preventing you from uttering anything. You look at the person and it was Jungkook. He signal a shush telling you to be quiet. The person outside is still knocking and after sometime it stop. Both of you can hear the person walking away by it's footstep. Jungkook slowly let go of you and take a peak slowly through the peep hole. After making sure it was safe, he slowly open the door. "Stay here, I'm gonna check outside" You nod and he walk out. He look around and slowly walk to the front gate. "what the hell?". He saw a guy dressed in all black getting inside a car and drive away. He took out his phone quickly and took a picture of the plate number. Checking around one last time, he walk back inside locking the main door. 

"What's happening?" you ask him. Both of you sat on the couch and he open up. "I was about walk downstairs after I am done with the laundry, then I heard a thud. I thought you fell down but when I walk to the kitchen I saw were fine. Then another thud was heard and it comes from the window" 

Jungkook's Pov

"What the fuck?" I whispered lowly try not to make Hana worried and slowly went to the window. I hold the curtain and peak slowly until I saw a shadow walk passed while holding a knife on his hand. He walk to the front main door and I didn't notice that Hana was calling my name. The man knocked on the door and I saw Hana was about opened it so I rushed to her and luckily I managed to stop her before anything happened. 

Author's pov

Hana let out a relief sigh. "Thanks koo, I was stupid for not checking first" Jungkook ruffle Hana's hair. "It's okay. As long that you're safe then we are okay" you nod. "Let's eat! Kookoo is hungry!!" He yell and skip to the dining hall.  


"Thank you for taking care of Hana kook" Jimin said to Jungkook. "It's okay hyung, she's my priority too right?" Jungkook pat Jimin's shoulder. "I'm going then hyung, see u tomorrow" they bid goodbye and Jimin close the door with a sigh.

He make sure the door is locked and walk toward their shared bedroom. He saw his wife just come out from the bathroom with her pajamas while drying her wet hair. "Hana why can't you take care of yourself properly?" He ask while crossing his arms and look at her wife with an intimidating looks. Hana sigh and look down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean t--" "if Jungkook wasn't there you would have probably been in danger!"

"Can you please?! Please try not to make others worried! We're in danger now. Don't make things more difficult for me Hana!" He yell. Hana still looking at the floor didn't dare to face her husband as she knew that it was her fault. Jimin sigh. He walk toward his wife and hug her tight. "I'm just worried about you... Our baby.... What if something happen?" He said to his wife while kissing her forehead. Hana nodded and hug her husband tight.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you" Hana nod. "Let me help you dry your hair" Jimin pull back and kiss his wife. After they're done, they both fell asleep in each other embrace.

To be continued

Hi lovelies! Omg I am so sorry for not uploading due to my busy schedule. But I promise to be more updated and if u have any suggestions on the storyline please do drop ur comments and thank you for reading!! 💕💕💕

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