Chapter fourteen: Survive

Start from the beginning

The villain got closer and Izuku slid underneath. He quickly got up as the villain landed and took the opening created by the villain's slow reaction time. The back of the knees were completely unprotected. He closed the gap in an instant and with his signature style, slammed his right foot into the back of the villains left knee, his signature stream of illuminated green flowing behind his foot.

An audible crack was heard and the villains knee buckled before they fell to the ground. Not wasting another golden opportunity, Izuku quickly jumped up and onto the villain's back before making his way to their neck. It was protected but in the villains stunned gaze, he was confident he could smash it open. He brought back his right hand and made a fist, leaving his index and middle finger pointing outward, before striking the makeshift concrete armor plating surrounding the villains neck, shattering it to pieces.

The villain by this time had regained focus and had grabbed Izuku by the leg and started to pull but Izuku didn't let go. He was thankful that the only thing that gave her, her striking power was the concrete on her fists. Quickly and efficiently, Izuku found a pressure point on the back of the villain's neck, which he promptly struck with a high amount of force. The villain stopped struggling immediately and promptly went limp, before the armor on her body fell apart, after which she collapsed face first into the rooftops floor and entered unconsciousness.

Izuku breathed a sigh of relief at his victory. He didn't have anything to tie the villain up with, at least not securely with her quirk so he just had to hope she didn't wake up for a little while. Thankfully however, he could finally get on track to getting out of the flaming hell that was the fire zone of the U.S.J.

Izuku quickly spun around and began heading in the direction Ojiro ran in. He was absolutely sure that Ojiro could handle himself, especially if the villain he fought was one of the stronger ones at this attack but two are better than one.

He was thankful that the buildings were close together and that the rooftops mostly were not completely ablaze, meaning he had some room to maneuver about the city. The roads that lined the fake city were too wide to jump completely, at least for Izuku. If he got a running start and really, really jumped he might barely miss a ledge but there was no way he was stupid enough to risk that. Eventually, he came across a traffic light that brought him close enough to jump the gap.

As he made it further and further into the city, the shouts and grunts of the villains grew louder. Soon enough, Izuku came across Ojiro surrounded by villains. He noted that the villains were weak as he assumed when he first saw them. They were unorganized and lacked any sort of strategy. As soon as one charged, they were either easily knocked back or hampered by another villain. It was entertaining to watch the friendly fire and shouting of the villains but he was in a time crunch here. He could watch entertaining videos later on Youtube at home with Eri wrapped in a cozy blanket.

He crept up to a low ledge near the villains and now he could actually understand the interactions the villains were having.

"Dammi- JUST STAND STILL YOU SHIT FLINGING MONKEY!" One of the villains, some sort of quirk that shoots lasers from his fingertips.

"He's too fast! We're trying! Maybe if your aim wasn't so shit WE WOULDN'T BE HAVING SUCH A HARD TIME!" Another villain argued.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT?!" The finger tip laser villain screamed.


The two villains arguing with the finger tip laser villain surged forward, hoping to make good on their promise to restrict his movement. One he noticed secreted something from his hands. It was white but he doubted it was acid. The other rushed at him with iron or steel chains with grapple hooks at the ends shooting from his wrist and elbow. The chains nearly wrapped around Ojiro but he avoided the attack and grabbed the chain as he leaped over. He tugged the villain towards him and with amazing strength, flung the semi scrawny villain at the other, who threw his hands up on instinct. The two collide and they are unable to become separated, screaming profanities and curses the entire time.

The Hero and Villain Hunter: Emerald TempestWhere stories live. Discover now