Chapter eleven: Forebodance

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After visiting his daughter and her friend in the nurse's office, All Might or Toshinori Yagi, decided to go speak to principal Nezu about Izuku's supposed "younger sister" that was mentioned by young Uraraka earlier in the day. He arrived after a few minutes and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A cheery voice answered as Toshinori opened the door.

When All Might answered he saw Principal Nezu sitting at his desk with Shouta Aizawa sleeping in his sleeping bag against the wall in the corner of the room and a young girl, red eyes and white long hair, including a small horn on her forehead.

"Good afternoon, All Might. What can I do for you?" The principle asked.

"I just... I heard mention of Izuku having a 'younger sister' and... I just wanted to come and see her." He explained with evident guilt in his voice at the mention of his son.

"Ah you mean Eri? I suppose there is no harm in it. She is the girl with the horn. You may speak with her but..." his tone quieted down to more of a whisper "please refrain from asking too many personal questions." Nezu finished.

All Might began to walk over to the young girl known as Eri. She seemed so happy. It reminded him of Izumi when she was younger. He then thought that he never saw Izuku with such positive emotion and tried to calm down a bit before approaching her. Right as he was about to open his mouth to speak, the door to the office opened.

"Big bro!" Eri shouted as she saw who came in. She ran up to the figure and tackled him into a hug, or rather she tried to. It doesn't seem likely a young 6 year old girl would be able to tackle a muscular 15 year old.

"Hey there Eri. How was your day today?" Izuku asked.

"It was fun! I learned a lot of new things and I can control my quirk better!" As she finished, she noticed the burn on Izuku's arm. "You're hurt! Let me help." She said as she put her arm onto Izuku's after which, she used her quirk to rewind Izuku to before the fight.

"Thank you Eri. I trust she wasn't too much trouble Principal Nezu?" Izuku asked.

"No not at all. Here please take these documents. they contain everything we have learned about her quirk so far and other information we have learned about her in general. It is only fair for you to know. The documents on the bottom are the promise I mentioned regarding Eri." Nezu said, winking at Izuku before continuing" You also have a visitor Izuku." Nezu said, motioning towards the walking skeleton in the room.

"Toshinori... Why are you here?" Izuku asked with venom but a calm demeanor.

"I... I came for two reasons... First is... I know I've done this before but I just cannot say how sorry I am Izuku. When I was watching your fight, you proved me wrong as soon as the match started and you continued to do so... I'm sorry Izuku... I re-"

"Just shut it All Might... The only reason I'm not more angry right now is because my little sister is here. Now what's the other thing you wanted? Spit it out before I leave." Izuku hissed.

"Yes the other reason... I wanted to meet you little sister. I assume this is her?" All Might asked.

"Oh no no no YOU of all people are not going to even go near her! Not after what you did to me!" Izuku explained with fury in his voice. "Come on Eri, let's go home."

"Wait, Izuku!" All Might shouted as he extended his arm.

"What?" Izuku hissed.

"Izuku... Please... Come home... We all miss you..." He said as a tear nearly left his eye. Izuku didn't acknowledge his plea and walked out the door and headed home, leaving Toshinori to wallow in his own sorrow.

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