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" Alright class, I would like you all to get a book from the table and turn to page 235. We will be continuing our lesson on the First Spinjitzu Master." My history teacher, Mr. Penlight, wrote the page number on the whiteboard. The class got up and grabbed a textbook from the desk next to the teachers. I got one for Lloyd as well so he didn't have to get up.

I walked back over to him and handed him the large book. " Thanks (Y/n)." He smiled and we opened up our books. " Can someone tell me what we learned yesterday?" Mr. Penlight asked. A few kids raised their hands. " Lloyd." The teacher called on him. " Well uh, yesterday we read that the First Spinjitzu Master was born from the first realm called The Realm of The Oni and The Dragon. "

"The First Spinjitzu Master was born from both sides and the Oni and Dragon fought on which side the First Spinjitzu Master could be on. The First Spinjitzu Master left the first realm to entered Ninjago. At that time, there was only the Endless Sea and its inhabitants. The First Spinjitzu Master then created the land that we walk on today." Lloyd answered. 

" Thank you, Mr. Lloyd, that was correct. Now today we're going to continue to learn about how the First Spinjitzu Master created the land as well as how he defeated the Overlord." Mr. Penlight started to call on people to read from the textbook. I was always interested in Ninjago's past. So many things happened back then that came back to now. Like the Serpentine or the Overlord! It's sort of confusing, Ninjago's past, but it's also very interesting.

" So what class do you have next?" Lloyd asked me. There were only 4 more minutes till the end of class. " Math, with Mrs. Campent" I tap my pencil on the desk. " Mrs. Campent, Kai's in that class isn't he?" Lloyd asked. " The brown spikey-haired cocky guy." Lloyd described him. " Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure. He is. Come to think of it, I think I share every class with at least one person from your group." I chuckle.

" Really? What a coincidence." Lloyd smiled. " Hey, question," I started, " Do you think it's weird that first period is always half an hour longer?" " Yeah! Like why is the first period is always an hour and a half then the rest are just an hour. Why not make it even? We could just be at school for 6 hours but nooo, it has to be 6 hours and 30 minutes. Either make it 6 or 7 hours." Lloyd laughed lowly. I nod, " Agreed." 

Our conversation didn't last long as the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and we walked out the door. We walked for a bit before having to split. " I'll see you later Lloyd," I wave slightly. " We have 6th period together, you will" He chuckled and waved back. We walked different ways to our lockers. " What's up loser?" Morro nudged me from behind making me almost drop my shit. 

I sigh, " nothing much girlie. You ready for math?" I ask as we walked to our lockers. " Ugh, no. I hate math! I much rather be in something like science or PE." " Ew PE?" I look at him. " I like working out is that a problem?" He looked back at me. " No, not at all." I opened up my locker and switched notebooks. Morro did the same and bonked me with his notebook. " Morro you ass." He laughed at me.

" How do you think Mrs. Campent will torture us today?" Morro asked as we walked to class. " Make us solve a problem that we don't know how to solve yet then yell at us that we got it wrong," I reply, turning the corner. " Yeah probably." Morro chuckled. We walked into the stale coffee-smelling classroom. " Ugh, did she leave yesterday's coffee in here overnight?" I cringe. Morro just hummed.

We sat down next to each other and I covered my nose. I looked around and noticed the guy Lloyd asked about earlier. Kai. He was in my class. His hair honestly looks like it was put in a blender. But at the same time reminded me of fire. How much hair gel does this guy go through? I nudge Morro and point at Kai, " Doesn't his hair look like it was put in a blender?" Morro covered his mouth and snickered. " Yeah, haha, it so does."

I smiled and watched the door. The second the bell rang, Mrs. Campent walked into the class with a fresh cup of coffee. " Alright class! We're having a pop quiz today, don't worry it's not for a grade. I want everything off your desk except a pencil. Water bottles can stay on." Mrs. Campent started to pass out papers while everyone shoved their stuff onto the floor. I groan and put everything but my water and pencil. " A pop quiz? Seriously?" Morro huffed.

 " Would you like to repeat that Mr. (L/n)?" Mrs. Campent looked at Morro. " I said, a pop quiz? Seriously?" Morro repeated. " What's with the attitude?" She asked, walking over to our table. "That's how I originally said it. I am only repeating what you told me to." Morro smirked like the smartass he was. Mrs. Campent scoffed and put the quiz in front of us, knowing she couldn't do anything. Morro stuck his tongue out slightly and smirked at me. I just shook my head.

" How do you think you did?" I mutter to Morro as we worked on some online math assignments. " Pretty good. I am smart." Morro said a bit cocky. " More like smarty stupid. I bet you did good at most." I insult, smirking a bit. Morro looked at me with an offended look. " Bitch." " Yup that's me." I took a sip of my water. Morro rolled his eyes.

" So, I saw you walking with Lloyd for a bit before you split to go to your locker. Finally decided to talk to him?" Morro asked. I nod, " Yeah. He's so much cooler than what people make him out to be." " I bet," Morro looked at his laptop. He seemed a bit off. Like he knew something I didn't.

 " You ok? Should I know something?" I ask him. " Know what?" He looked at me confused. " It just seems like you know something I don't." Morro chuckled, " I know a lot of things you don't. Because I'm smarter than you." " Oh you asshole you know what I mean." I sigh. Morro shook his head, " No sis, I don't know anything."

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