Chapter 14.

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Adriana has now become a well mannered woman ,who now wish for good company and people with wisdom and good characters.
But it says that ,an acquired habit turned into addiction ,is no easy to leave so soon and comfortably.
Her drug addiction was also of same sort but this time ,she on purpose wanted to forbid herself from this bad habit.
During this time of her ,staying in the prison she managed to control her desire for the drugs but one reached to the point ,where she couldn't find herself in a position to stay normal and healthy without any drugs taken.

"You two are here for longer time,do you know any mean of contacting to any outsider secretly,or should I go for any legal process to meet Milan ,I need him to be here,he is well aware of every drug I take and the dosage,as I find myself uneasy and lost"Adriana asked the ladies and her condition being unnatural and uncontrollable.

"If that's the purpose of you meeting with the boy you mentioned,I'm sorry for not helping you with that,being familiar of the drawbacks of this meeting,which are, you resuming your bad habit of drug addiction,I find myself disloyal to our friendship ,besides we should always practice humanity ,my child" The old replied to Adriana and refused to help her in any way making it difficult for her to re enters into her addictions.
"for such things to go away ,there are rehabilitation centers ,if you continue to do your drugs ,the cops might shift you there, that is a worst place dear" she completed.

Adriana wasn't not happy upon hearing that her wish cannot be fulfilled easily and nor she is able to use any force here as she used to do in her past days.
But instead of feeling hopeless and distress she actually was surprisingly happy ,she was now competing to completely forbid herself from that evil practice .
She waited a long time for anyone who could help her but none.
she then finally got up from her place started searching for the two ladies whom she couldn't find to her sight inside the room,she looked around but failed to find them.
Loneliness and seclusion were now a fear for her.
She got out of the room in search of them ,asked the other prisoners and the prison guards,upon which she was informed of a place where some learning activities for the prisoners took place that she will find them there.
This would take place once in every two months, where most of the women are taught skills of art ,embroidery,knitting and studying if it interests hem.
There were many options to chose from.
When Adriana reached the place ,she observed a beautiful and inspiring view of many women of different ages ,color and race learning and engaging in something very productive and peaceful.
She was amazed seeing the women living behind the bars were actually living with such high happiness and peace.

"This is so much beautiful and inspirational seeing these ladies charged for evil acts yet engrossing themselves towards learning something new,of them ,their lives are set for the final phase and they are aware of it but still they are living their last days with such spirit and enthusiasm,how come of individuals like these are cursed with any evil deeds done ?I wonder." Adriana asked the old lady upon finding the two siting on a rug knitting some piece of clothing not obvious of what structure it was.
She sat down with them.

"Life is so unpredictable,You never know who, of them will forever stay here or end their life but the one with more hope might get a chance of living a normal life outside this jail."The lady added replying to Adriana's question.

The time is completed ,you all must return back to your respective rooms,they all were ordered.
"Oh congratulations ,we see now you are independent of any drugs or medication"the two ladies congratulated Adriana and smiled a little toward Adriana then towards each other.
She smiled back confirming the fact that she is no more dependent on any drug.
They all started their walk towards their room in a specific manner arranged in an order by the jailer,when suddenly Adriana saw a her clothes she was wearing when she was first brought here,assembled in a box with some more clothes belonged to other prisoners ladies.
she managed to go there,saw something coming out of the pocket of her jeans that she wore previously.
It was a piece of paper, scrambled,she pulled it out ,took it , hide it in her fist and joined the ladies towards their room.



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