Chapter 6.

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A wide and expanse space with four corners customized ,with excellent techniques of locating portraits and art work, some made by the students and some of  other artists, both unique of their own designs, displayed on the walls ,leaving a little wide empty space aligned with the floor of one corner ,where a couch and some chairs situated in order and symmetry,giving the college hall a distinctive view yet very studios for young learners.

"You must be in suspicion of me ,choosing college for your interrogation, I believe ,when a criminal is brought back to the site of crime,he may gets more deeper into the guilt and fear forming a way for him to spill the truth easily" The officer explained modestly but with a rigid and dense voice of high intensity.

The suspects, Receptionist of the college and the security guard, arose up their heads simultaneously with their faces filled with fear.The two hold their hands together, looked at each other's faces with disturbance and distress,and their skins turned pale.

"Our sudden departure from the college at the day of accident, has a reason behind.We, two have great affection towards each other, we want to spend rest of our lives together but families of ours do not consider it acceptable for them.They came to know about us and were to kill us, we had to escape from here and now we are married" said the women trying to prove their innocence.

The officer listened to them carefully and continued the investigating process asking;

"Who visited the college on the day of accident, both of you are required to answer as both of you are responsible for noticing and observing the people coming to the college" said him.

"In my remembrance, out of many people,there came two people for meetings,with a little girl Emma, I have the record for one,who is from a medical team member who visits the students for checkups occasionally and the other one being her sister Adriana, I couldn't keep her record as I was in hurry"The receptionist explained everything about the day after taking a long pause to remember the events of that day. "she was angry and aggressive,I even told her to stop but she didn't listen to me at all"
said she.

Her statement was a clear indication towards Adriana being involved in the killing of her sister.
"I need to interrogate the medical team member" The officer surprisingly said, ignoring the statement delivered to him about Adriana.
"Find me his address, soon."He asked one of the investigating team member."we need thorough investigation to reach the culprit"He added.

They left for the further inquiry to the him and find out that he never met with Emma because he was waiting for him but she didn't come on time for the checkups and he had to leave the college as he has no authority to stay longer than the given time for anyone.
"But I observed a strange view of a girl very unnatural to the sight,she was a blonde with of curly hair ,she looked in hurry, we collided when leaving the college "
answered the medical team member after being asked multiple questions about that day.

Light blue eyes, medium hight stature and curly blonde voluminous hair that reached to her shoulders,were some of the beautiful traits Adriana had.



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