chapeter 1:

44 8 8

A group of five people including two boys and three girls were searching and screaming ,calling the name emma.Their faces looked scared and they were frightened and eager to find the girl they were in search for.
"Did you find her?" one out of four asked the fifth mate who was sent to a library room to check for her.

"No , i didn't." He replied.

The five turned their ways to the lab room and resumed their search.After their unsuccessful forage ,they made their ways to the final spot for the hunt,The restroom particularly made for the staff members of the college.where little chance existed for any student to get in there.
Door was opened by one of the boy in the group.It was dark.A bizarre situation for them.
After a long deep breath they entered the restroom and start probing. It was dark due the lights being turned off in the restroom , It seemed as no one has entered the restroom for a longer amount of time.
Their first step of hunt here was to find the switch for electricity to ease their further work.
Suddenly the room was all lighten up as one of the group mate was able to find the switches and turned it on.He looked down the floor and shrieked.

"Here she is"..,

The remaining members turned their heads backwards upon hearing a noxious voice from their friend.
But what they heard was not more dangerous compared to their field of vision on the bare floor of the restroom.
A seventeen years old ,blonde girl situated on the floor all benumbed and motionless.All red with blood on her wrist.This was a frightening view for the young boys and girls.
The people who were searching for her were her classmates, sent by the class teacher  to search for her as she was missing the classes about an hour or two.
Upon seeing her in a deadly situation they  got frantic.They grabbed her together and took her straight to the college medical room.
This was a smart and valorous act. Soon the administrations was informed. Her parents were called while she was under examinations by a physician of the college.After being examined it was found that her nerves were no more in motion.A long list of waiters was standing outside ,waiting to hear from the doctors.The ambulance was already being called.Management was waiting for its arrival.But the college medical team were already done with process of examination,all wretched,they made their final announcement.

"She's no more"

They confirmed.

"We are extremely sorry for your loss "facing Emma's parents they added.

She was dead.

The clock on the opposite wall was the only thing for a moment which was high in volume.A silence and long pause on everyone's face was so dreadful and harrowing.
Coming back to reality , realizing the loss of their child,The parents started screaming.
The father made a failed attempt to see the child followed by the mother before they were being pulled away from the site by the police investigating team who arrived upon the call knowing about the sudden death at the college.
Soon , she was carried to the ambulance along with the police force and medical team for autopsy and further inspection.


[p.s:English isn't my first language*]

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