Chapter 5.

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"Her poor soul is resting peacefully leaving her beloveds in distress and sorrow, still doubtful to believe their grief ,this could be a display of sympathy,to show an act of misery but in real they are counterfeit sentiments"Said the officer "Do you agree to this?, Miss Adriana Edwards"

She opened her eyes, being shut on the gesture
and dubious movements by the officer while addressing her. She was questioned not as a suspect but as a criminal.
"hmm" she sigh in lower volume, with a linear gaze at the officer,filled with anger and indignation.
Her skin color being clear and transparent was turned into an unlit dark texture.She greatly looked traumatic and frustrating being investigated.She appeared ailing and miserable.

"Have I asked you something very torturous?"Said him "My inquiry haven't started yet"

She stood up from the chair,in anger and vexation,dabbed the table with high force,delivered a few words towards the officer.

"I'm not a fool, I can see you questioning me as if i'm a criminal or I would say a murderer"

"It is certainly possible" He replied in a voice unable to take no notice of.
"You are jerk" She replied.
Her way of conduct was inaccurate and disrespectful.She was a kind of abusive in manners but that could not lead to the conclusion of her being a murderer of her own sister.But her mental state was not to be trusted easily so she could be one.

"You met with Emma the day before her death.You two had a fight and you threatened her ,that you will kill her"
The officer explained.
Adriana was shocked hearing about the meeting which was supposed to be known by her and Emma only.Because there was no one else there besides the two of them.She reminded the meeting of them at their old house where they used to live with their mother before her deceased.
Adriana starting looking at the officer and was wandering about the fact of him knowing all that happened that night ,but She was never fully conscious and looked drunk and befuddled all the time.she looked more closely at the officer leaning towards him with her eyes  widened,which created a daunting look to the officer observing her from very close.

"You are wondering about me knowing the secret things.You shouldn't be.I'm trained to unlock secrets ,and I know how to do it. You are required to answer my questions precisely and correctly ,because I'm aware that my information is valid.I need the confirmation to proceed my inquiry further ms."
He stated while looking back straight into her eyes.
"Yes, we met at our house and we always meet there.We always used fight over little things ,that's not something very interesting and new."
She responded while trying hard to control her dizzy stature.
"May I go now? Mr."She added while turning to the exit door.
"hhmm" The officer replied.
Soon after her exit,an exciting news arrived at the officer's hearing of finding the security guard and the receptionist of the college who went missing at the day of death.

"We shall meet soon, I have the feelings" Officer exhaled his words towards Adriana who turned back her head before taking exit while her hand at the door lock paused immediately.


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