Once I finished cutting through the glass, I put it down quietly. I stepped through the hole I cut and made sure I grabbed the right ring. "Looks fancy." I whispered. "Are you almost done?" Silene whispered through the earpiece. "Yeah I'm do-"

I got cut off by the sound of alarms. Shit. "What was that?" Her boyfriend whispered. "The sounds you hear when you enter hell." I replied sarcastically. "Seriously y/n, get outta there!" He yelled. "God, ok!"

I started running, making sure I had the ring. I went and turned a corner, when suddenly I came face to face with a guard. "Night night." I said and hit him overhead with my gun. I kept running until I heard an intercom.

"There is a criminal in the building. Close all exits and openings from the public. Make sure there is no escape around the perimeter."

"Well shit." I said to myself. I got my two pistols out when when I saw two other guards. I shot one in the shin and one in the, well, you know. "Ooo nut shot." I laughed and ran. I seen a door that was closing. It was a couple feet off the floor. I took my chances and slid right under it. I got up and dust myself off. "Oh badass."

"Keep going! You're not done yet." Silene yelled. I sighed really loud. I saw stairs that I ran up, keeping eye out for anyone. I ran straight through this door that I didn't know took me to the roof. "Finally." She said. "Okay, go, go, go!"

I went down the zipline we made before we started. Them following behind me. I heard sirens in the distance. That wasn't a good sign. Silene yelled down to me. "Get in the drivers Side. You're driving!"  Great

We ran through a motel and went down the stairs into the alleyway that our car is parked. Silene threw me the keys and I caught them. I hopped over the door, putting the keys in the ignition. "Hurry up!" I yelled.

They both hopped over the door too, Silene in the passengers seat and her boyfriend in he back. "Go, go, go!" She yelled and I stepped off the gas and swerved the corner.

Right as I pulled out of the alleyway, a police car was already there. "Shit!" I yelled. "Oh my god, we're going to jail, aren't we?" He said from the back. "Shut up!" I yelled. "You're driving getaway." He yelled back. "You don't think I know that? I'm not blind!" I screamed. "Both of you, shut up."  Silene said calmly. She turned on the radio. Rolling in the Deep started playing. She turned it up.

"Is it really time for music?" I asked while speeding at 120 miles per hour. "It keeps you guys quiet." I shrugged and looked forward. I weaved through some cars, trying not to crash. "Get on the highway up here." Silene told me. I nodded and she turned the music up louder.

I got on the highway when we reached it. The police just kept coming and coming. There were about 7 cars. "Get to the dessert!" He yelled over Adele. I kept going faster and faster, now at 190 mph. I took the exit and got to a place in the middle of no where, the police following right behind.

"Put the top down so I can shoot!" He screamed. "They're going to shoot the driver first!" Silene screamed back. "I'll take my chances." I said and pushed the button for the top to come down. They both looked at me. "Do it." I said. They turned around and shot the cars.

More cars came from the side of us. "Get down!" Silene yelled to me. I ducked and a bullet came straight above us. Another one came and shattered the windshield. "Shit." I whispered. I got up and pulled a gun out. I shot to the side of me. "I don't have enough bullets!" He yelled from the back. "Both of you, sit." I yelled. "What!" They both yelled. "I said sit down!" I yelled again. They obeyed and sat down.

I went faster than ever, at 220 mph. "What are you doing?" Silene yelled. "Just watch." I said. There were cars in front of us, and behind us. An idea popped in my head. I kept flooring it, going straight to the cars. "You're going to kill us!" Silene yelled. Her boyfriend was in the back saying, a prayer? I think. "Can you guys chill! I'm not killing us!" I screamed over Adele.

I kept going until I was a couple feet away. At the last minute, I swerved out of the way, missing the police cars. The cops were to late to dodge them, crashing straight into the other police cars. I looked back and 3 seconds later, all of the cars exploded. I looked straight ahead and let out a sigh of relief. They both looked at me, shocked.

"Best getaway driver ever, baby."

FINALLY UPDATED. also I don't know what her boyfriends name was, so that's why he doesn't have a name😭. 

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