Part twenty three

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(No ones POV)
"It's here, right?" Denver asked Monica. He's taking her down to the vault. "Yes, wait." She told him. Denver put her down so she could put in the code. "It won't open?" Denver asked her. She licked her finger. "There's blood on my finger." She told him. "Does it take a long time for it to open?" Denver asked her while he kept looking around the corner. "No."

She put in the code. They both looked up and saw a red light, which means it's open. "Okay, let's go." Denver spun the metal circle in the middle of the vault to open it. (Tbh I don't even know what that's called) once it was opened, the light turned on and Monica limped in.

The professor was going through the crowd of people. He stopped right where the entry way was to the police. "You can't go in." A police officer told him. "I've got a call for inspector Murillo, Raquel Murillo." The professor told the officer. "Okay." The police said, trying to grab the phone. The professor pulled it back though. "It's urgent and private."

"Come on." The officer told him. The professor went through the gate. However, the officer stopped him before going father. "Spread your arms." He started patting him down. "Follow me." The officer told him after he was finished.

"There's an incoming call on the antenna." Angel said. "Record it. Now." Raquel told him. "It's recording." Angel said. "A civilian is approaching the command post with Almansa. He wants to see the inspector. He said it's urgent." The voice said over the radio. Just then, the professor walked into the tent. "Excuse me, inspector. I'm sorry, but your mothers on the phone. I guess you called her from it earlier." He walked up to Raquel and handed her the phone. "I think it's something about your daughter."

Raquel looked worried and went over, grabbed the phone, and walked out of the tent. "Paula left with her father" (Paula is Raquels daughter. "What? Mom, what did he do." Raquel asked. "They haven't came back yet." Her mother said. "We have a restraining order against him." Raquel said, mad. "He only sees Paula every 15 days and is not allowed in the house! When did they leave?" Raquel asked. "Two hours ago." Her mom told her."Alright, I'm coming home."

The professor was still inside the tent and everyone was looking at him. "What a mess you got here, huh." He said and laughed a little. "Almansa, escort this gentlemen out, please." Angel told him, pointing at the 'door'. Almansa grabbed his arm and walked the professor out.

(Your POV)
"Those shots you heard came from an incident with the police. There was a hostage who decided not to follow my rules and tried to contact the outside with this cellphone." Berlin was explaining to everyone about the gunshots. He held up a phone showing the hostages the phone they used. Berlin was making the ringtone ring. (I hope that makes since.) "I was wondering, since I already have Miss Gaztambide's cellphone, who owns this?" Berlin questioned, holding the phone up still.

"Anyone recognize this sound?" Berlin asked. I saw Tokyo walk up to him. "What happened?" She asked him. "What are you doing?" Berlin questioned. "Everybody heard those shot. I'm asking you to tell me what happened." Tokyo stated "Not here." He grabbed her shoulder. "Valencia, you come too." He told me. I ran to catch up with them and we went into the office. Nairobi was there too.

"We said no victims." Tokyo said. "She had a cellphone on her, you think I had another choice?" Berlin asked. "You could've scared her, damn it, not kill her. Cut off her ear like they do in movies." Nairobi said. I nodded my head in agreement. "If she'd given any information to the police, you'd be the dead on right now." Berlin said, pointing at Tokyo. "But at least you still have your ear."

"Who shot her?" I asked. "Denver." I widened my eyes a little bit. He killed someone?  "He's too hotheaded." Berlin said. I rolled my eyes. "The professor said there wouldn't be any blood. That was one of our rules." Rio stated. "Well, I've made a change for the hostages, concerning who controls them." Berlin said and walked away a little. He turned back. "Understood?" We all just looked at him.

"Don't get nervous. The public is on our side, and that won't change a bit. When they notice the missing hostage, we won't be around. We'll be long gone." Berlin said, looking around. Tokyo walked closer to him. "Is the professor award? Huh? Hm? Does he know that you broke the first fucking rule of the plan?"

"You're talking to me about rules? Because of this idiot that you fell for, you almost murdered a cop." Berlin said, pointing to Rio. Rio went to pick up the phone. "We have to tell the professor." Berlin walked over to him and grabbed the phone. "Little boy." He said and hung the phone up.

"You ok?" Nairobi asked me. "Hm? Oh yeah, I am." I said and smiled. She smiled back and nodded. "Do you ever, I don't know, like someone but afraid of them not liking you back?" She asked me. "Yep. Happening right now." I told her. I could've sworn I saw her eyes look at my lips than right back at my eyes.

We got closer and started leaning in. We both jumped back though when we heard a gun get slammed on the table. "His name is Rio." I heard Tokyo say. Me and Nairobi looked at each other and laughed a little. She grabbed my hand and out it to where we were holding hands now.

This is probably my favorite chapter now, just because of the end. Also, I'm not posting tomorrow because it's my friend b-day party so I'll post Sunday!

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