Yuri quickly grabbed the communicator headset hanging just by the side of the panel in the bike and slipped it into her left ear. Yuri then quickly tapped twice onto the screen of the panel itself.

There was silence for a moment before a low cackling echoed in her ear, and Yuri sighed in relief.

“…Ethan? Is that you?”

* * * *

In the mothership of Exilia, Sin’s new headquarters, the current members of Sin that are currently present was startled when contact was made to Control by one of the communicators.

Helen Laviskei immediately pressed down on the button. “Ethan? Is that you?” she demanded.

After all, it is only Ethan Blake who is still unaccounted for, as he had gone to retrieve their last member. All the other known Sin survivors have been accounted for, and are all currently present except for Alexia Lewis, their spy who is currently out somewhere, gathering some information on the army.

Helen had been a little concerned when Ethan had failed to call in at their designated time, and had wondered if he had ran into a little trouble. After all, she knew that retrieving Yuri Lorewell might be the most difficult, as the army is currently after her.

“No. It’s me.” A voice came through the devices of Control, and Helen, along with the other members of Sin that are currently present – Jasper Summers, Ida Silverlake and Seth Russell, have their eyes widening in surprise.

“Yuri? Is that you?” Helen demanded. “What happened?”

“I don’t have time to talk right now. Think that you can send some help? I could seriously do with some right now—”

The communications were instantly cut off, being replaced by static as the sound of rapid gunfire echoed through, and Helen frowned. “Can you trace her last location?” she asked Jasper Summers, their computer expert.

“Give me a moment.” Jasper muttered, his intelligent brown eyes scanning over the numerous screens before him as his fingers literally flew over his keyboard. A set of coordinations and numbers soon appeared on the screen, and Helen turned towards Ida.

“Get me through to Alexia.”

Ida nodded, and it is only a matter of moments before Alexia’s voice could be heard in the Control Room. “Helen? What is it?”

“It’s trouble. I need you to go and back Yuri up.”

“Yuri’s in trouble again?” Helen could almost see Alexia rolling her eyes in annoyance. “Why is she always in trouble? She is really a magnet for trouble, isn’t she?”

“This time, it’s not her fault.” Helen defended Yuri. “From the sounds and looks of things, the army is currently after her. And it seems like it is the Pusuers that are after her.”

There was silence for a moment before Alexia lets out a string of curses that sounded almost inaudible. The Pursuers are the bane of Sin themselves. After they were betrayed five years ago, it was that elite squad – the elite hunters, the best of the best in the New Army hereby christened as the Pursuers that were sent after Sin.

Any soldier who served in the Pursuers were trained to be ruthless and cunning, and the things that they’ve done are almost inhumane. The members of Sin might be no coward and they aren’t ordinary fighters, but not even they would wish to go head to head against a group of Pursuers, especially if they’re by themselves.

“Damn. I was afraid of that. After all, if Eris and Sen are dead, then she’ll be the next one that the army will be after. And even if it’s Yuri, even she’ll have trouble with the Pursuers after her. Especially more so if she’s on the run. Where is she?”

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