𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

Start from the beginning

He tilted his head slightly. It was odd- how could something so distasteful and vile to a human could do wonders for an aggravated Dragon; they loved the food.

His thoughts were cut off by a distant scream; it was one filled of pain and shock, which caused Toby's head to immediately snap over in the direction it came from; his browny-green eyes widening in worry. He dropped the fruit as he started to run over to where he last saw his sister- by following her footsteps, hoping it wasn't her that was in danger.

He just wanted to find Lyra and go back to the Hall.

The scream had echoed, meaning that most of the people in the village had most likely heard it, too- even if it was faint.

Toby came to a brief stop when he saw the rock that he and his sibling had previously climbed. His hands gently pressed against the cold material; despite the temperature failing to affect him. Once he had purchase on it, he clambered up, running to the top and edge of it.

Tears glazed his widened eyes upon the sight of the bloody snow and pieces of ripped, white cloth that was stained a deep, dark red. "Lyra?" The boy hesitantly called out, his voice breaking. When he was greeted with silence, tears started to spill from his eyes as he started to choke on his own sobs.

He took in a sharp breath as he tried to calm himself down. He was clearly scared. He didn't want to be alone right now, either. Hesitantly, he slowly and cautiously started to climb down the perch, from the ledge. His feet dangled down slightly, before he let go, landing quietly on the snow. He glanced around before carefully beginning to approach the bloody scene before him.

Timidly, he once again called out his sister's name, glancing around, before following the trail of red stained snow (that looked as if something had been dragged along it) and ripped cloth. Toby's lip quivered as more tears started to roll down his freckle covered cheeks when he turned the corner. There was a massacre.
It was clear that Lyra was gone now..

The shaking boy sucked in a few breaths as he sobbed quietly, the clearest thing in his blurred vision being the circular, brown piece of headwear with silver studs, that lay upon the tainted snow. Hesitantly, he went over to it, gently picking the kransen into his shaking hands.

The sound of quiet footsteps behind him could be heard, causing the boy to turn around, in hopes he would see his Mother or Father, wanting nothing more than someone to hug right now. However, what he came face to face to was the very thing that killed his sister- the same Monstrous Nightmare she intended to help.

Toby's breath hitched, not having enough time to react properly, only stumbling back slightly; just missing the swipe that the Dragon had gone for- it's claw just grazing the left side of his face, causing three lines to appear on the boy's face, the middle going through his eyes, yet the claw luckily missed it. Blood immediately started to seep from the wound, causing the hyperventilating boy to fall to the ground, closing his left eye- as the blood was imparing his vision.

Upon instinct, the boy started to scramble backwards, looking up to the Dragon in fear. When he hesitantly broke eye contact with the creature that was slowly approaching him, with an ominous glare, he looked around him, frantically, spotting a group of rocks, one of which had a small crack in it.

Toby immediately rushed to his feet, running over to the rocks; causing the Dragon to start to approach the boy faster. As soon as Toby got to the small gap in the rocks, he got onto his hands and knees, crawling inside as fast as he could, narrowly missing the snap of the Dragon's jaws coming down onto each other.

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