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"We need to talk."

Todoroki wasn't expecting to see Asui at his door, especially with an intimidating persona surrounding her. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she was staring straight into Todoroki's eyes. It sent a shiver down his spine. "A talk about what?" he asked, and Asui didn't say anything. "You know what we need to talk about, kero." Seeing how Todoroki seems confused, Asui explains herself. "Mina is a bit of a loud mouth, not to mention that Ochako and I are her girlfriends. She told us about what happened between you and Sero, kero." Todoroki felt a blush creeping up, and he looked away. He opened the door wider and moved. "Fine. Come in."

The girl nodded and entered his room, sitting quietly on his futon. Todoroki shut and locked his door and sat besides her, sighing quietly. "What did you wanna talk about specifically?" he asked, looking down, and she looked up at him. "Todoroki, I know you like Sero. And I know that Sero likes you. The two of you dance around each other and stare at each other as if no one else is in the room with you both, kero. All I want to know is why you ran away after you kissed Sero?" Todoroki didn't know why he was so surprised by Asui's bluntness - she's always been like this. Todoroki looked at Asui, who was stilling staring at him.

He sighed. "My parents didn't have a great marriage," he began to explain. "It's a long story that I really don't want to delve into, but long story short, my father wasn't...wasn't a good father, nor a good husband. I don't think he ever loved my mother, but I know that at one point in their marriage, my mother loved my father." He played with the skin on his hands, pulling and stretching. "My biggest fear has always been becoming my father, thus me being hesitant about using my fire. But I'm hesitant about being in a relationship." He looks at Asui, tears forming in his eyes. "What if I treat Sero the same way my father treated my mother?"

Asui frowned, moving closer to Todoroki and wrapping her arms around him. "You won't," she whispered to him gently, "I promise." Todoroki sniffles. "But how do you know that? I don't think my father ever intended on being the way he was, but..." "Well, you've said it yourself that you've never been one for hero rankings," Asui stated, lifting a singular finger up. "And you've even thought about being an underground hero for that specific reason, like Aizawa sensei. Plus, you're distressed over the comparison of your relationship with Sero to your parents' relationship. The way you're acting proves that you won't treat him that way." "But-" "No buts, Todoroki." Asui was stern, her voice leaving no voice for judgement. "If you want to treat Sero right, and a lot better than Endeavor treated your father, then you will. You both compliment each other well, and the way you two act around one another proves my point." Todoroki stares at Asui, who seems to think that her word is final. And, to Todoroki, that's ok.

"Ok," Todoroki says quietly after a few moments of silence. "Ok. Yea, you're right." She shrugs. "I'm reasonable, not necessarily right, Todoroki." A comfortable silence drapes over them, and  after a while, Asui begins talking again. "Todoroki, I don't mean to sound rude, but what are you going to do with Sero? Don't you believe that he deserves an explanation for all of this?" Todoroki stares at her for a moment and blinks, then stands. "Yes, I suppose that's right. Should I speak to him now?" Asui nods. "Better now than later. Besides, if you wait to talk to him, even more problems will build up."

Todoroki nod at Asui's words. She's right with everything she's said so far. He offers her a small smile. "Thank you, Asui, for helping me with this. I know that I struggle with romance, and I appreciate you being honest with me." Asui tilts her head to the side and smiles back at him, the smile reaching her eyes. "It's no problem, Todoroki. If me offering advice can make a friend feel better, then I don't mind at all. Also, please, call me Tsu." She nods to the door. "Now, go talk to Sero. I'm sure that he's waiting." Todoroki nods and walks out of his room, heading to the room besides his.


"Oh, Tsu texted me!" Ashido sat up and opened her phone, reading the messages Asui texted her. Sero's head rested on her lap, one of Ashido's hands running through his hair. "It says 'I just talked to Todoroki about the situation. I think I got through to him, but I'm not so sure.'" Sero looks up at her and smiles sadly. "Tell Tsu that I appreciate her helping, but I doubt anything will happen. Besides, we've already discussed that-" Sero abruptly stops at the sound of someone knocking on his door. He sits up, looking at the door and then back at Ashido. The girl is smiling widely, hitting his shoulder and shooing him. "Get up, Sero! Go talk to him!" "But what if I don't want to talk to him?"

Ashido pouts, grabbing Sero's face and bringing him closer. "Now you listen to me, mister! You are going to talk to him, whether you want to or not, got it? Procrastinating this conversation will only strain whatever relationship between you two! And I refuse to watch you mope because you both are too cowardly to speak. Now go talk to him before he chickens out!" She lets go and shoves him, Sero rolling his eyes, but still opening the door.

Todoroki stood in front of the door, looking awkwardly at Sero. He bit his lip and wrung his fingers, and his face was a bit flushed. "Hey," Sero said, leaning on his doorframe. Todoroki took a deep breath. "Hey." An awkward silence settled between the two for a moment, and Todoroki opened his mouth afterwards. "Can...Can we talk? Just for a minute?" Sero looks up and nods, Todoroki smiling out of relief. "Ok. Ok, great. Do you wanna  go in my room?" Sero nods. "Yea, sure." Sero takes one last look at Ashido, who smiles widely, before following Todoroki into his room.

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