Coming Down

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The silver Audi pulls to a screeching halt on the hillside and the large man practically leaps out the passenger seat.

"Daddy wait!" France pleads.
Cindy has no idea how she got into all this. She should've stayed behind when France saw her car, catch the bus or something. Now she's almost sure she's going to get fired and now she's in the middle of some weird drama going on.

France notices Cindy's weird looks toward her and her daddy but she's not concerned about any opinion of anyone else right now.

You just fucked a random woman in a parking lot for god sakes. Who are you to judge?

She continues to follow her Daddy inside his large safe house and tries to stop him. She's almost sure Kane is inside waiting but it's too obvious.

Daddy can be stupid sometimes and he's gonna get killed if he's not careful. Kane knows more about him than he thinks he knows and right now is not the time to prove that.
She grabs onto the large man's arms and falls to put her entire weight on him.

"Daddy waaaaaiiiiiit" France squealed.

The large man paused and looked down at France for a quick second. Furrowed his brows and flung her off his arm.

He grunted and stepped forward.
France with tears in her eyes screamed

Daddy stopped suddenly. "He what?"
He spun around and rushed to France. Cindy had never seen a man of that size move that quickly. She flinched when the large man picked France up by her throat and held her in the air.
She wanted to stop it but felt helpless.

"WHO THE FUCK TOLD HIM?" daddy screamed. "YOU?!"
His mouth was foaming as he yelled and France was already turning purple from being choked. Her small hands trying to hold on to his large wrists for balance.
She couldn't get out a single word. The air was trapped in her lungs and burned to get out.
"ANSWER ME!" He screamed

France was starting to fall asleep. She was so tired suddenly. Her eyes rolled up into her head. She was so exhausted, the day had been a lot on her and this felt peaceful.

Daddy dropped the lifeless body to the ground and turned to face the scared, weird brown girl in the back seat of the Audi.
"Stay there" he commanded and walked off toward the large building.
Cindy was already crying, she just witnessed the murder of her lover. She couldn't believe it. He killed his own daughter.

Daddy moved toward the large glass doors of his house. There were no guards which was already a bad sign.
He withdrew his pistol from the back of his pants and looked at his watch.

"Where the fuck are they?" He murmured.
A small shuffling sound came from behind him and he immediately started firing his gun in the direction.
He wasn't about to miss a single shot.
After 5 shots in the corner of the room he walks over to see he put 5 holes in his living room couch within 6 inches of each other.

"They're dead" he thought to himself. "Every last one of them".

On the top floor, Kane was watching the security footage. This man was scared and he could tell. He smiled to himself and turned to Anakin.
"We're ready".
They both stepped out of the office with duffel bags of weapons across their chests.
"OKAY GENTLEMEN" Kane shouted as he climbed on top of one of the poker tables. "LETS PLAY DARK TARGET ROULETTE"
He threw a large black rifle on the table.
"We have some paintball guns here, very realistic looking" he chuckled.
"One of these guns however has real bullets."
The room was silent and everyone was staring at Kane.
"Everyone who hits our friendly target here with some paint gets $500k cash money. The lucky son of a bitch that kills the target gets this." Kane grinned and opened up the little black box. Suddenly, everyone was grabbing rifles off the table and rushing downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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