Glass Table Girls

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Kin's eyes snap open after hearing a body hit the ground. Whoever's choking needs to shut the fuck up because they're really stretching it out.
He sits up to see Vernie still staring at him, a hint of a smile on her face as she turns and struts away from him. Abel appears and grabs the black duffel bag from near Kin's feet.
"Ready nigga?" He smiled.
"Bro what the FUCK?!" Kin shouted. "Who the fuck IS this bi-"
"I still have the gun" Vernie interrupted.
Abel pulls out another cigarette quickly and lights it just as fast. He blows a puff of smoke before speaking again.
"Keys baby"
The Russian vixen throws a set of keys to him while staring at Viktor making his last attempt at a breath of air as his blood pools around his head.
Abel catches them and immediately hands them to his buddy on the ground.
"You're driving." He says as he blows another puff of smoke.
Kin gets up and dusts himself off.

"Did you get it?" He asked. Visibly still annoyed that his friend put him in the middle of another deadly game plan.

Abel side eyed him, withdrew the little black box from his pocket and threw it to his short dusty friend.
Kin grabs the small package, and immediately snaps open the box as he starts walking toward the exit of the building.
"You know there's better ways to get shit done other than fucking the target."
Kin preached. But he was ignored. Kane was already squeezing on Vernie's body and whispering in her ear.
Kin scoffed.
He made his way outside to the dead Russian's black SUV and climbed into the front seat as Abel and Vernie both slid into the backseat.

Some miles away a blood curdling scream was heard from room 115 of the Marriot.

"THAT SON OF A BITCH!!" Franciose shouted.
Seconds ago she was calling out to the man of her dreams from the shower. Sure he had been a little rough around the edges and he was a chain smoker but after talking for a few days she had already started to fall in love with him.
At least until he disappeared.
As if it wasn't enough to just leave after having sex for the first time, he robbed her. Her purse, phone and coke stash were all gone. She can't even think of who to call for help off the top of her head.
And God forbid call the police, she can't afford that risk.
She slips into the short white dress she was wearing the night before, realizing that her extra panties were in her purse. She lets out yet another grunt of frustration when she also realizes that her car keys are gone.
Not today. Not today.
"Any other FUCKING day Kane but not TODAY!" She grumbled to herself. Her tears stream down her face, blending with the water dripping from her hair.
France was a nice girl, a homebody. The girl that finishes college and that has all the nice things her daddy buys her. She never disobeys daddy and he always lets her do what she wants.
He gave her one simple task:

"I need you to pick me up from the airport at exactly 10:15 in the morning baby. Can you do that?"

"Yes daddy" France smiled. "No problem"
It's past 9am already and she has no money, no phone, no car.
She's seen her daddy upset one time and she doesn't like to think about it. She can't imagine what he'd do to her if she can't figure this out.

France runs down the hallway of the hotel building barefoot and makes her way to the lobby. She sees the receptionist looking at her confused, yet amused and making a poor attempt at minding her own business.

This'll work.

France walks calmly up to the receptionist and softly speaks.
"Hi baby, you remember me from last night?" She blinked.
"Of course" the receptionist smiled. Her short cut brunette hair bouncing with every head movement around her brown face and her teeth white enough to light up a room.
She'll never forget this girl. The sight of her walking in with that strong looking thug she had last night made her warm with sexual envy. She wasn't jealous of France, she was jealous of the guy that had the pleasure of having her.
Now she stands in front of her, hair dripping wet and the white dress isn't doing a good job of hiding her perfectly pierced nipples.
France senses the tension.
"Well, I wanted to ask you something" she smiled. "Do you happen to have somewhere we can talk in private?"
She looked up slowly to the receptionist with the most innocent gaze she could conjure and brushed her fingertips on the girl's hand.
The girl's face flushed and minutes later they were in the parking lot, in her car with the windows steamed over.

The small cellphone screen lights up in the silver Audi again, illuminating one line of text.

11 missed calls from Daddy ❤️😘

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