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i get a call from Krist, ugh, what does he want? stupid ho, "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY DOOOOOOOOOOD I ATE MY CARROT GOTH GF" Krist says sounding drunk af. "I don't care." i hang up. 

i am at my guitars wedding, guitar is going to be my bride. i walk down the aisle and she courtney, she shape shifted into a bush.

"you may kiss th-" "I OBJECT FEMALE DOGGOS" courtney screams. my guitar is dressed in a beautiful dress that has dog poopy all over it. "countney what do you want you fat stinky ho?!1?" i ask the fat ho hippo standing in front of me "get off of my dog poop dress!!11!!1" my ugly ass guitar says "shut up ugly guitar pp" courtney says with blood on her face.

"mop hair i think you should go i am getting married to my guitar" i say. 

"no u" country says.

"no u" i say

"no u" courtney says

"no u" i say

"no u" courtny says

"no u" i say

"no u" courtney says

"no u" i say

"no u" courtney says

"no u" i say

"no u" courtney says

"no u" i say

"no u" courtney says

"nou" i say

"no u" courtney says

"no u" i say

"but kunt i want to marry you, dont marry this fish" courney says pleading. "no u stupid sock i want to marry this piece of trash called my guitar" i say looking her into her noodle hair, haha noodle hair courtney. SPAGHETTI. "no please i wnt to merry you" the bed sock says. "no be gone thot" i say and then the ho gets yeeted into outer space.

after that piece of garbage guitar and i get married, we drink toilet water. the water tastes good, its pure. stupid sausage spaghetti ho is in space yay, her lips were too red anyway. we eat spaghetti out of the toilet and bathe together. we eat hotdogs in the tub while watching the shining.

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