
Jihun sighed as he stared blankly at the screen, the stocks are rising to his accord. His assistant, Mingyu knocked on his desk.

"What is it now?"

"The worker that you planted to spy on his company, " He looked hesitant and scratched the back of his nape. "He sent you an e-mail." Jihun looked at him before huffing out his breath, "Is that all?"

"Well no, you have an appointment with your investors later this 2 PM and a meal with your mother after 2 PM."

Jihun nods and waves his hands in hands in dismissal, "You're dismissed Mingyu, thank you." The assistant left and closed the office door, leaving the chairman alone in his office. He opened his e-mail and checked the message that was sent.

Good morning, chairman,

As you've planned, I've kept an eye on your daughter as she begins to work with her step-sibling. And I have unfortunate news, your child is a castaway within the hierarchy of power, her step-father and sibling disregard her existence in terms of office and power and her mother is busy being the vice chairwoman and help run the company.

She has grown to be entirely intelligent and career-focused, but I'm afraid that it'll all go to waste if she's disregarded. The poor child is being neglected, so chairman please help her.

Overall, Jieun has grown to be a wonderful woman, please don't let her go to waste.

Sincerely yours,

His hands balled to fist, his jaw stiff as he clenches it. "How dare he-"

Jihun was seething, just because she's his blood doesn't mean they'll treat her like that. His firstborn, his only child, his little potato chip is being treated as a disease. He stands up and buffs in frustration, "Eunseok's crueler than I thought."

He scoffed and take his phone out of his pocket, he pressed a familiar number and waited for her to pick it up. "Come on..."

"Hello, Hun?"

"Hello, Mrs. Kim it's me, Jihun and I have a proposal to offer."

"What is it?"

"Isn't it the inauguration of your daughter, Jennie right?"

"Yes, what do you want?"

"The position for Secretary is open now that's she's the new CEO. I have someone in mind."

The line was silent and then: "Send me everything about the person who you're sending over."

He smiled, "Thank you." The line went dead as he looked over his window, "Don't worry Y/N, your old man is here to help you."

Present-day, thirty minutes after giving birth...

Irene kept her eyes on you as you lay on the hospital bed, chest heaving up and down after giving birth to twin girls and now they're pressed against your chest, trying to feel your warmth. When they were done being cleaned up and are now wearing their tiny little beanies, mittens, bib, and long-sleeved singles.

One had pure raven black hair, just like Irene's while the other had wisps of gold. Irene held the golden-haired child while you held the raven-haired baby. Her little hands reaching up and touching your hospital gown, upon opening her eyes, they were just like Irene's, black as night.

"Bae Ji-ah, " Irene whispers and kisses your temple while she's holding the other child. Your eyes scanned your other child, Irene smiles and places a light kiss on her little forehead, making your daughter squirm lightly, heart swelling to a fit of happiness as she looks at the blond with the most soft-mellow look.

"And you will be Bae Ji Woo, " She smiled a the infant opens its eyes, Irene's jaw slacked at Jiwoo's eyes flashed gold. Your eyes marvel at the way Jiwoo's eyes shined like molten gold surrounding them, "Beautiful, " You murmured, making Jiah squirm.

"Someone wants a compliment." Irene chuckled as you touch and caress the soft hair of your child. Her eyes flashed red, just like Irene when she had fed from you for the first time. Irene smirks proudly, "They're pretty much have taken most of my genes."

"Whatever, " You mumbled and kissed the cheek of Jiah, Irene hums softly as she placed the baby inside the pediatric medical crib, they've placed both since you have given birth to twins. "Jiah is older than Jiwoo by three seconds."

You laugh softly, making Jiah coo and press her little head next to your beating heart. Irene watches with excitement, "Can I hold her?"

Grinning in delight, you give let Jiah be taken by her, Irene whispered a foreign chant as Jiah's skin from her hands begins to turn into black scale-like texture, eyes flashed to red. "Hyun, what are you-"

"Leviathan, " She whispers. "Jiah the leviathan." Irene then looked at Jiwoo who emanated a gold halo while golden scales appeared beneath her eyes, "Draconian python."

"Are you born half-snake or something?" You ask with amusement, making Irene giggle as Jiah held her cheeks, the mittens not allowing her to feel her tiny little fingers.

"Thank you, " Irene shakily says, "They're beautiful Y/N, even beautiful than what I've seen in my dreams."

You smile and cup her cheeks, "No Hyunie." You whisper and pecked her forehead. "Thank you for bringing them here." She smiled and held your daughter closer, Irene may not have been loved before by her parents but she swore since the beginning of her rebirth that when she has the chance, she'll change all that.

"I'll be better, " Eyes turned to gold as Jiah squirmed again. "I'll do better than them."

You may or may not know what she had meant, but you held her arm. "Hyun, it's time to put them to sleep." Irene blinked and grinned. "Right, oops."

You giggled softly as she places the eldest twin next to her sister, the blonde child immediately turned and accidentally palms Jiah's face, making her scrunch her nose and turn to face away from her. Jiwoo squirms and gurgles tiny legs kicking the air in...frustration?

You watch in awe as the twins exchange gurgles and turning against each other. "Cute," Irene grins. You on the other hand observe the twins and smirked, Irene notices and raised a brow.

"What is it vixen?"

"I see you in them." Irene crossed her arms on her chest and sat beside you, her hand intertwines with yours. "Now that I gave you your heirs, are you happy?"

She nods like an eager bunny, and then suddenly pouts. "Don't just take care of them vixen, take care of me too!"

You guffawed in delight as she floods your face with kisses, "And don't forget mommy also has to take care of you too." She then licked the outer shell of your ear, making you turn red and swat her shoulder.

"Stop it, our daughters are here."

"I won't do anything that will traumatize them vixen." You roll your eyes as she lay beside you, wrapping her arms securely around your waist. "Rest vixen, you'll be discharged after three days, for the meantime, your parents will help you with everything you need while I'm at work."

"Noted," You sigh and wrap your arm around her, "Night Hyunie."

She gives you a soft look and kisses your forehead, "Good night vixen." Your eyes closed and your chest heaves up and down, you snored softly. Irene held you close and pressed your head against her chest, where her heart still beats.

She stares at your features, admiring every single detail she sees, heart now hammering against her rib cage. "You're so pretty, god I love you so much." She tucks your stray strand behind your ear.

Her pupils turned red and her irises became gold...

"Let hell rejoice for the draconian heiresses have a claim to our throne."

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