Meet the Star: Imcrazyyouknow

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I started writing on Wattpad back in 2013 and before that, I discovered the orange platform on the same year

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I started writing on Wattpad back in 2013 and before that, I discovered the orange platform on the same year. Mostly my friends and classmates are ebook readers so that also got my attention so I joined the bandwagon of reading a few stories. I started reading "548 Heartbeats by peachxvision" which is also the reason why it got me into writing. Also, my older sister reads on the website at that moment and she was reading a work by marielicious. I only started writing (April 2013) for fun and to see if I can also write. My classmates are also my readers at that time and I made them tell their feedback after reading it so I can improve it later. My writing journey starts with one shot stories and eventually I begin creating full-length novels and up to this day, I have almost 100 works on my profile which I have 60 plus completed novels posted on my profile. It just started for fun, but it became a part of my life now.

Just like what I've mentioned, I've discovered Wattpad because of my friends and classmates in Highschool as they are the one who introduced me to it

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Just like what I've mentioned, I've discovered Wattpad because of my friends and classmates in Highschool as they are the one who introduced me to it. I was only 15 or 16 years old by that time. While my sister is already reading from that time on the website, but honestly, I have no interest to it at first, but then when I started reading stories and made me want to write my own stories, on April 6, 2013, I signed up and write my own story to share.

I guess, all of my story

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I guess, all of my story. I must say that my stories have different potentials, qualities, characteristics, and all so I can't compare which I should be most proud of. Of course, it is a greatest pleasure for me when my story turned into a published book—these are What I Did for Love, Driving to a Place We'll Never Find, The Life Taker, and other pending works that are to be published. I mean, my stories deserved all the attention they are getting so one at a time, I know they'll shine so every single one of them, I'm proud of it because I wrote them and that's what matters to me.

Wattpad Filipino -  Writer SpotlightsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora