Meet the Star: MyWickedWays

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When I was about 11-years-old, my sister would usually ask me to make scenarios for her before she goes to bed

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When I was about 11-years-old, my sister would usually ask me to make scenarios for her before she goes to bed. It's like reading her a story but instead of reading an actual book, I made one on the spot. This went on for a long time until I decided to write them on a notebook so she could read them. So long story short, my sister unintentionally got me into writing.

Wattpad became a big thing in the Philippines, and most of my friends used it so I naturally checked it out myself

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Wattpad became a big thing in the Philippines, and most of my friends used it so I naturally checked it out myself.

The story that I'm most proud of would be the first story I published back in 2017, which is Sit, Stay, Roll Over

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The story that I'm most proud of would be the first story I published back in 2017, which is Sit, Stay, Roll Over. In a grammatical sense it's not the best, but I was able to meet a lot of my readers there that are still with me up to this day. It is also the book that got me recognized as a BL/bxb writer.

I don't have a specific memory that I can consider a favorite, but the best things that I've experienced in Wattpad is being able to receive messages from my readers

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I don't have a specific memory that I can consider a favorite, but the best things that I've experienced in Wattpad is being able to receive messages from my readers. I'm not exaggerating when I say that there are times when I'd end up crying as I read through some of them. I write lgbt+ themed books, and some of my lgbt+ readers would even share their struggles with me and tell me what my stories mean to them. Some simply relate to my stories and would share their experiences with me even though they barely know me. Only on Wattpad am I able to experience such moments.

Like what my readers said before, my stories feel like a roller coaster ride

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Like what my readers said before, my stories feel like a roller coaster ride. They play with your emotions, yet the adrenaline that you experience before, during, and after the ride is the same thing that you'll experience when you start and finish my books.

I'm a new Wattpad Star myself, but I think the best advice that I could give is to write what you want to write, and not what you think the public wants

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I'm a new Wattpad Star myself, but I think the best advice that I could give is to write what you want to write, and not what you think the public wants. If you think the story that you want to write isn't a popular genre that won't be enough to catch the attention of the readers, then make your story become the reason why that genre will be popular.

Ten Reasons Not To Die by RiceLover

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Ten Reasons Not To Die by RiceLover. It's one of the first books that I've ever read on Wattpad, and there's a reason why I kept it in my library even after all those years, so you have to at least read it once. 

I get to meet these amazing people who share the same passion as me, and those who also work behind the scenes

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I get to meet these amazing people who share the same passion as me, and those who also work behind the scenes. Writing isn't all about putting down words and getting it over with. The hardships of writing is understood in a deeper level by these amazing groups of people, and that's what I like the most about being part of the program.

I am fortunate enough to be part of the Paid Stories Program

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I am fortunate enough to be part of the Paid Stories Program.

Checkout MyWickedWays's stories here on Wattpad for your next favorite read!

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