19 || From Friends To Enemies

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Katherine walked inside the elevator as she headed to the underground security area in the Academy. To say her green eyes had become a darker shade was an understatement. Not only was she now angry about herself but towards Dimitri and Rose. How could Rose do this to her mainly, she knew Katherine had a thing for Dimitri.

Why the heck would she sleep with Dimitri knowing damn well that Katherine had a thing for him?

She didn't know as she entered the room her shoeless feet were feeling the cold floor as she walked over to her sister. If it hadn't been for her feet making noise Rose hadn't seen her sister coming her way with angry eyes.


"You are such a bitch!" she slapped Rose. The brunette stumbled back grabbing onto her sore cheek with a gasp escaping her lips. Victor chuckled knowing Katherine had now seen the tape of Rose and Dimitri. It may hadn't been complete but if she's reacting this way, he knew she hadn't finished it because he had cut it out.

This was going exactly as his plan B was heading. "What the hell, Katherine? What was that for?" Rose turned to her to see the wild eyes in her sister's face the blood still on her making her look terrifying. It made her think she had actually completed the transition into a Strigoi. "Did you turn?" she had fear in her eyes to even think such a thing.

Katherine scoffs. "No. Of course, i didn't. But we are talking about how you freaking betrayed me" Katherine didn't want to hit Rose but she was so angry right now.

Rose's eyes widen taking realization on why would her little sister ever say that. "You're misunderstanding what happened"

"Oh, so you do know what I'm speaking of? Good. Cause you better tell me why the hell you dared to sleep with the guy that I fucking liked!" her fangs appeared as she hissed at Rose making her take a step back.

"Kat this is not the place or time for-"

Katherine knew it wasn't but the anger in her was taking over clouding her senses. "When were you going to tell me, huh? Were you even going to tell me?" Victor was having some fun watching this because a girl betrayed by her sister with the guy she liked seemed pretty triggering for any teenage girl.

Katherine had quite the temper perfect for him to get out.

The redhead glared hard at the Dhampir. "Kat i really don't think it's the time" Rose looked behind her little sister. Katherine scoffs. "Give me a reason?" Rose pointed behind her and she turned around her eyes widening.

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