09 || Let's Play A Game

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

"My father would have never done something like that," Natalie spoke to them as they walked back to their dorm. "After all that Lissa has been through, to be shamed by our queen bee?"

Katherine nodded agreeing with the girl with glasses as she pulled up the strap of her bag. "Don't you mean queen bee-etch?" Rose says and Katherine high-fives her agreeing with that too.

"She did deserve what I told her. Trust me mess with my sister and friends," she looked at Natalie. "You mess with this real bad bitch" she motions to herself making them laugh a little.

"She did. You don't talk to Lissa like that" as they stop upfront the doors seeing no guardians making Katherine raise her eyebrows.

"Where are the Guardians?" she asks seeing they had been told that the security was leveled up after the last attack only for there to be none now. The redhead went in first and opened the door walking over to their room.

As she opened the door of the room and turns on the lights she breathed in deep smelling blood. She stopped both Rose and Natalie. "What's wrong?" Natalie asks and Katherine motions to her nose and to be quiet.

'Blood' she mouths and starts taking slow steps to the rooms with the lights on since she had turned them on before smelling the red liquid. She knew Lissa wasn't there because she didn't hear her.

Her eyes widen when instead of a body or something she saw words written with blood on the walls. Katherine's hand flew to her actually disgusted. "If you stay be aware," she read over them. "Really immature" she snaps dropping her bag on the floor.

"Oh my God" Rose sighs also shook.

"By the soul of St. Vladimir..." Natalie trailed off.

"Who would do something like this? I mean why?" snaps Rose already over it knowing that Lissa would be even more upset about this making her feel down. "Go to the wall, Nat. Talk to me" Rose asks Natalie.

"What about Katy?" Natalie whined and Katherine gagged. "No thanks, Vampire blood not my type and prefer it off my walls" Katherine wanted to hit someone right now. More specifically the ones who did this.

Natalie nodded and kneeled on the couch. She licked the wall two times. "It's fresh, and it's Moroi" she looks at them and Katherine nods motioning for her to keep going.

"Can you tell if it's royal?" she asks.

"Don't be absurd" scoffs Natalie. "Said the girl licking the wall" Rose scoffs back at her.

𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 {Dimitri Belikov love story}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant