A Storm at Sea

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??? POV

"Whoa! Wh-wh-whoa....!" I said as lightning strikes and it rains harshly "Are.....Are you ok?!" Someone asked "No! Don't let go! Just a little longer.... come on! Hang on!" They said "N-n-no! I can't.... hold on....!" I said "Waaah!" We screamed and then everything went white.

Narrator's POV

"Urrgh...Where....where am I?" A shiny Riolu asked as he was laying on a beach near the shore after the stormed ended, bearly remaining awake "....I can't...Drifting off..." The Riolu said falling unconcious.


At the entrance to Wigglytuff's Guild, a shinx was looking at the barred entrance and a small hole with a wooden grate on it infront nervously "Hmm...." The shinx said and pace back and forth nervously "No. I refuse to be paralyzed by this any longer!" The shinx said building up courage "This is it. I have to steel my courage today" He said and stands on the grate "Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected!" Someone shouted startling the shinx "Whose footprint? Whose footprint?" Someone else asked "The footprint is Shinx's! The footprint is Shinx's!" The first voice said "Waah!" The shinx said startled and steps back and looks around nervously "That was too shocking!" The shinx said and sighs sadly ".....I can't.... I can't work up the courage to go in, after all..." He said sad "I told myself that this is the day, but..." He said and takes out a small rock with a unique drawing on it "I thought that holding on to my personal treasure would inspire me..." He said looking at it and grabs it "Sigh...I just can't do it" He said "I'm such a coward...This is so discouraging...." He said and walks away. Once he left a Zubat and a Koffing come out from the bushes "Hey, Zubat. Did you get a loaf of that?!" Koffing asks "You bet I did, Koffing" Zubat said "That little wimp that was pacing around...had something good, right?" Koffing asks "That wimp had something, that's for sure. It looked like some kind of treasure" Zubat said "Do we go after it?" Koffing asks "We do" Zubat said and the two trail after the shinx.

Back at the beach, a lot of krabby's started to appear and they started making bubbles and just then the shinx arrived at the beach and looked at the sea amazed "Oh, wow! What a pretty sight!" The Shinx said amazed "When the weather's good, the Krabby come out at sundown to blow bubbles..." He said "It's always beautiful" He said "This is where I always come when I'm feeling sorry for myself" He said "But it makes me feel good to be here, like always" He said "Coming here is uplifting. It cheers me up" He said and notices something on the side "Hey...what's that? What's going on over there?" He asks and walks closer to see it's the shiny riolu "Waah! Someone has collapsed on the sand!" The shinx said and rushed to the riolu "What happened?! Are you ok?" The shinx asks.

Riolu's POV

'....Ugh.....' I thought as I heard someone talking to me and I managed to stand up and open my eyes to see a pokemon? A shinx, I looked around and then "You're awake! That's a relief" The shinx said 'The pokemon just talked?!' I thought suprised 'Where.....where am I...? How can I understand pokemon?'I thought "You weren't moving at all. I was seriously worried!" The shinx said "Do you remember how you ended up uncouncious out here?" He asks 'I...I was uncouncious? What happened....?' I thought "Well, I'm Sim. Glad to meet you!" Sim said smiling "And who are you?" He asks "I've never seen you around before" He said "I'm a human" I said but Sim looked suprised when I said that "What? You say you're a human?" Sim asks "But you look like a totally normal shiny Riolu to me!" He said "What?!" I ask, now it was my turn to be shocked, I look at my reflection on the water and gasped "I really am a riolu! I've turned into a riolu!" I said '......But how did this happen? I don't remember anything...' I thought "You're... a little odd..." Sim said cautious "Are you pulling some kind of trick on me?" He asks "What? No! I really am a human!" I said "You're telling me the truth?" Sim asks "All right then, Your name? What's your name?" He asks 'My name? That's right, my name is..' I thought "I'm Brody" I said "Oh, Brody is your name?" Sim asks and nodded "Ok. Well, you don't seem to be a bad pokemon, at least" He said calm "Sorry that I doubted you. More and more bad pokemon have been turning up lately, you see!" He said "Many pokemon have gotten aggresive lately. Things have grown somewhat lawless..." He said and I noticed a zubat and a koffing coming our way and the zubat pushed Sim making me take a step back and something fell off Sim "Ouch!" Sim said "Well, I do beg your pardon" Koffing said "Hey! Why'd you do that?!" Sim asked angry "Heh-heh-heh! Can't figure it out?" Zubat asks "We wanted to mess with you! Can't face up to us, can you?!" Zubat asked "Wh-what?!" Sim asks suprised "That's yours isn't it?" Zubat asks and we all looked at the piece of rock Sim dropped "No! That's...!" Sim said "Sorry, kiddo. We'll take that!" Zubat said picking up the rock "Aaah!" Sim said "Whoa-ho-ho! Not gonna make a move to get that  back? What's the matter? Too scared?" Koffing asks "I didn't expect that you'd be such a big coward!" He said "Come on. Let's get out of here" He said to Zubat "See you around, chicken. Heh-heh-heh" Zubat said and the two went to the cave behind us.

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