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You wake up with Fili's gentle kisses on your head. You look at him and you smile, thinking about last night.

"How have you slept Amrâlimê?" he asks

"Very well, my love, and you?"

"Wonderfully with you in my arms" as he says this he leans forward and he gently kiss you on the lips.

"I'll wager the sun in on the rise. Must be nearly dawn" you hear Bofur says. You get up and stir, then you approach your cell door and you try to see the others.

"We're never gonna reach the mountain, are we?" asks another dwarf. Suddenly Bilbo appears from around the corner.

"Not stuck in here you're not" he says holding up the key chain holding the keys to the cells

"Bilbo!" everyone start cheering among themselves as Bilbo starts unlocking each cell "Ssh! There are guards, nearby!". He frees Thorin first, then Balin then goes down the step to free the other dwarves and finally it is your turn. He smiles at you, seeing that you and Fili are in the same cell.

"Which way?" asks Fili, reaching for your hand.

"Down here, follow me! Come on!" you follow Bilbo down to what looks like the wine cellar.

"I don't believe it, we're in the cellars!" complains Kili

"You're supposed to be leading us out not further in!" goes on Bofur looking at the hobbit

"Ssh! I know what I'm doing! Okay, this way. This way!" he points the direction you need to take, and then you hear some elves shouting from the dungeons. They must found out that you escaped and they raised the alarm.

"Everyone, climb into the barrels, quickly!" yells the hobbit as you hear the elves coming down from the stairs.

"Are you mad? They'll find us!" says Dwalin approaching the hobbit

"No, no. They won't! I promise you. Please, please, you must trust me!"

The dwarves start mumbling amongst each other, and Bilbo looks at Thorin in frustration.

"Do as he says!" he finally orders.

Fili helps you to climb into an empty wine barrel, and when everyone is inside one Bofur sticks his head out "What do we do now?"

"Hold your breath" replies the hobbit

"Hold my breath? What do you mean?" as Bofur asks that, Bilbo pulls a lever which opens the floorboards dropping the barrels down into the river. You hold your breath and you feel your barrel splashing in the water.

"Bilbo! He wasn't in a barrel! We have to wait for him!" you say, as you try to hold your little boat steady. After less than a minute the floorboard open and Bilbo fall into the river. Dwalin catches the hobbit and he helps him to hold onto the barrel rope.

"Well done, Master Baggins" compliments Thorin "Go, come on let's go!"

The company float across the water in their barrels until you reach a little waterfall.

"Well, I never thought that it would be that easy" you hear Fili behind you. As he finishes his sentence you hear the voice of the elf prince ordering to close the gates. "Oh, come on..." huffs Fili.

The guard sounds the alarm for the gates to be shut and the elf guards on the other side of the river close the gates before Thorin and the rest of you can pass through.

"No!" yells Thorin, as he hits the gate's bars

As the elves get ready to capture the company an arrow is fired and it hits one of the elf guards near you. You look in the direction of the arrow and you see an Orc jumping up from outside the wall. Immediately the elves start to fight the orcs, who are led by Bolg. The orcs start attacking you, and Bilbo uses his sword to stab one of them. You all try to fight them, but it's not easy without any weapons. You hear a familiar voice calling for you, and when you turn you find Tauriel on the shore.

"Here, take this!" she says, tossing you the dagger that Fili gave you. You thank her and stat to fight the orcs again. You cover Kili, who is trying to run up the bridge to open the gate but he's shot in the leg by an arrow.

"Kili!" you shout as he falls down before he can open the gate. Then another Orc comes upon him. Before the Orc can attack Kili an arrow hits the Orc killing him. You look over and see that Tauriel had shot the arrow, she then starts to fight with the other Orcs. Someway Kili manages to open the gate allowing the rest of you to escape down the river. In great pain Kili manages to jump down into one of the empty barrels, snapping the arrow stucked in his leg.

The elves are still fighting the orcs, but you see that some of them are chasing you down the river. Your attention is quickly draw away by the waterfalls and the rocks on your path. You try to hold onto your barrel as best as you can, seeing the others doing the same. You think about the poor hobbit, who is still holding on Dwalin's barrel.

"Anything behind us?" asks Thorin after some minutes

"Not that I can see" replies Balin looking back

"I think we've outrun the Orcs" says Bofur

"Not for long, we've lost the current...make for the shore!" orders Thorin.

You all start to move your arms, trying to get to the shore. When you finally reach it, you climb out of your barrel and you collapse on the ground. Kili falls to his knees from the wound in his leg, and his brother joins him.

"I'm fine, it's nothing" Kili comforts his brother, but you can see that he is in pain.

"On your feet" orders Thorin

"Kili's wounded, his leg needs binding" says Fili, looking at his uncle.

"Bind his leg, quickly. You have two minutes"

You walk to Kili to inspect his wound and Oin does the same. You don't have any medical instrument, so the best that you can do for now is binding it with a piece of cloth. As Ori is getting rid of the water in his boots a bowman comes up behind ready to shoot his arrow, Kili goes to throw a stone at him and Bard shoots it out of his hand with an arrow.

"Do it again and you're dead" says the man, pointing an arrow at him

"Excuse me, but um...you're from Lake-town, if I'm not mistaken? That barge over there, it wouldn't be available for hire by any chance?" asks politely Balin

"What makes you think I would help you?"

"Those boots have seen better days, as has that coat" as Balin speaks, the man starts putting the barrels you were carried in onto his barge "No doubt you have some hungry mouths to feed? How many bairns?"

"A boy and two girls" replies the man

"And your wife, I imagine, she's a beauty?"

"Aye, she was" says Bard hesitantly

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Balin is soon interrupted by Dwalin "Oh, come on, come on. Enough with the niceties"

"What's your hurry?" asks the man looking at him

"What's it to you?"

"I would like to know who you are, and what you were doing in these lands" says the man, eyeing the company

"We are simple merchants from the Blue Mountains, journeying to see our kin in the Iron Hills" replies Balin with a smile

"Simple merchants, you say?" the man doesn't fall for that "I know where these barrels came from...I don't know what business you had with the elves, but I don't think it ended well. No one enters Lake-town but by lead of the master. All his wealth comes from trade with the Woodland realm. He would see you in irons before risking the wrath of king Thranduil" the man gets into his barge and Thorin indicates for Balin to persuade him to help you

"I'll wager there are ways to enter that town unseen" says the wise dwarf

"Aye. But for that you would need a smuggler"

"For which we would pay double". This seems to perk up his interest.

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