Natasha curls her lip in disgust, "I'm with Ginny on this one."

"I'm sorry, are we going to ignore the fact that you just said werewolf, as if they are real." Tony remarks.

"Oh they are." Ginny absently replies, most of her focus on Amelia awkwardly talking to her boss as she tries to explain why she wiped her dirty mouth on her sleeve. And failing at doing so, the red head notes with a chuckle.

The billionaire shakes his head in disbelieve before his focus returns to the memory in front of him. 

"-What do you know about S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"It's a weapon to defend yourself with?"

Steve snorts. Bonneville continues to explain about the assignment and the team looks offended as she complains about 'babysitting' them. Tony notices that Hermione was taking in every word said, as if mentally noting down every small detail, so the genius decided to avoid bothering her. Steve moves to watch over Amelia's shoulder as she reads the files about the team, a look of recognition dresses her face when it lands on Steve's file. 

"Her father used to talk about you."

The soldier raised a brow at Ginny, "Really?"

"He was a big fan apparently. Amelia told me he used to read strips about you when he was a kid. You even inspired him to join the army."

"From your past tense I suspect he's not around anymore. He didn't pass in the army, did he?" Steve asks while playing with his fingers. He would feel awful if he was the indirect reason of his passing.

"Oh no, he didn't." Steve frowns as the witch doesn't elaborates. 

After hearing the underlining threat of Bonneville the scene changes again. They all watch as Amelia enters the ship. A fond smile flashes over Tony's face as he hears Amelia and agent Hill create a bet and mess around. They all watch as Amelia and Fury discuss the plan of action. The group doesn't talk much. A question about magic here and there but everyone is just watching it happen. 

The group follows the conversation between Amelia and the two other witches through the fireplace. As they hear the Hermione from the past warn Amelia about the dangers of muggle-including tasks, they hear the present witch sigh disappointingly, if only she had warned Amelia more. 

A sudden voice breaks Tony's heart.

"Miss Martin, are you here?"

The avengers in the memory freeze. Tony was sure that he even heard Natasha sharply inhale. The two British witches take note of there strange behavior but they don't ask. Playful banter between Amelia and Tyto shake Tony out of his daze. The memory changing to Phil and Amelia talking however pushes him back into it.

Phil looked so happy, so carefree as Amelia shows him magic. Spending his last hours without even knowing it. So friendly and so.. alive. It creates a pain in Tony's chest, a pain he's sure isn't caused his arc reactor. 

The scene switches into the main room on the helicarrier. With a transparent looking Amelia sitting cross legged on the table. Steve utters in disbelieve because he was there, talking to Phil about his collection cards, and Amelia wasn't there in his memory. 

Speaking about Germany, the scene vanishes again and reform the room in the museum in Germany. The group standing on the sidelines as they search in the crowd for the undercover witch. Ginny was having a blast watching Amelia's fake magic show "I'm never going to let her live this down, 'Mione" and "Wait until I tell this to the others". But then Loki appeared and chaos occurs and the smile gets wiped of her face.

They switch scenes as Amelia apparates away and watch her as she looks around for the man Loki was after. Hermione flinches as Loki jumps the man and presses a device on his eye. After that Amelia sneaks towards the man that was now crying in pain and uses her wand to heal the wound. They all laugh as she mentions Fury being a bad ass pirate.

Hocus Pocus // T. StarkWhere stories live. Discover now