Chapter 1 ~ The Ouran High School... What Now?

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"So this is the famed Ouran Academy." There, standing in front of the prestigious academy was a person wearing casual clothes. "It's pink. Didn't expect that."


They continued to scan the pink building up and down in amusement and began walking through the school gates to join the throng of students also heading inside the building. They heard whispers about them among the student body and merely rolled their eyes, mumbling that students born into a wealthy family should find something better to do with their lives. [Like fundraising or smth]

Okay, maybe the hood that she had over her head made her look like a drug dealer.

"Though I guess being one week late may bring even more attention to me," they mumbled to themselves. "Well, I can't help it."

The nature of their identity forced them and their family to take the necessary precaution before allowing them to start school. One week would not harm them in any way.

Soon finding themselves inside the academy building, they moved through the halls and passed by the gossiping students. The words the students were whispering to one another were not quiet at all. It certainly did not amuse them but it was reassuring to know that their plan got executed perfectly. It brought about just the correct reaction they expected from the students.

Separating themselves from the group of students heading towards their classes, they headed over to a set of double doors. They pushed the doors open and sent a nod to the secretary sitting outside of another set of doors inside. They knocked, entering once they heard the cue to enter. Closing the door behind them, they turned to face a middle-aged brown-haired man sitting behind a huge mahogany desk. He had a confused smile as he stared at them.

"Who are you? I was expecting the L/n princess."

The person laughed and tugged the hood off the top of their heads.

"I am the L/n princess," they said in amusement. "This is Y/n, Yuzuru-san. I'll assume that my disguise is good enough if it even managed to fool you."

They took off the hood fully and ran their fingers through their hair.

The chairman blinked a couple of times as he took in the sight of the tall h/c-ette male before him instead of the girl he was expecting. The boy had short h/c hair, h/c bangs framing his face, with a familiar pair of e/c eyes twinkling in amusement. His lips were pulled into a smirk and his arms were crossed. The chairman finally lets out an amused chuckle when he recognized the person before him.

"Y/n-san, I never thought you would go through with this," Yuzuru said. "I must say that you look very different from your usual appearance."

Y/n laughed and nodded. "You know my reason for this, Yuzuru-san. And I hope you understand my request for my personal information to be kept in absolute secrecy."

"I do. Your information will be well protected. Don't worry, Y/n-san," Yuzuru assured. "Although, I must say that it is a shame that you have to cut off your beautiful hair for that look."

"Ah, I'm wearing a wig. It's damn convincing, isn't it?" Y/n smirked, tugging at her short hair.

Yuzuru laughed and nodded in agreement. "It's very convincing indeed."

"Yes. Anyway, I need to go to class. You'll have to deal with this princess disguised as a commoner on an honors scholarship, for the time being, Yuzuru-san," Y/n airily said. Then her face grew serious. "And I must stress once more the confidentiality of this situation. I hope I could trust you, Yuzuru-san."

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