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Chapter 7

Here I was once more.. laying quietly in the comfort of my room. I sit up and grab my phone off of my small bedside table to see that It was 6 am. I sigh and shift my gaze to the significantly large window near my bed and watched as the sun slowly rose. As time goes by, I still sit there, mesmerized by the golden rays of the sun as it begins to give a bright colour to the city below. After a few more minutes, I am brought back to reality by a sudden loud noise coming from the kitchen of the apartment.

I rush out of my room and quickly make my way to where the sound came from to see that Mrs. Jeong , well as my mother would call her, THAT MAID, had accidently dropped three fairly large pan onto the tile floor.

"Mrs. Jeong are you okay?", I ask as she's trying to pick the pans up.

I assist her and she immediately replies "Oh dear, it's alright." She picks up the final pan and pushes me towards the dining table where she pulls out one of the chairs and makes me sit down. "Now you sit here and I'll make you breakfast." She says with a huge smile plastered onto her face. After a few minutes of sitting there, she comes back holding a big bowl of seaweed soup.

"Happy birthday Y/N.. I'm extremely sorry that your parents aren't here to spend this special day with you but I will be here to accompany you, so that you wont feel completely alone." She says as she sits next to me. "Now eat.... I know how much you love seaweed soup"

Mrs. Jeong then gets up so that she can begin her daily work schedule but before she leaves the room I explain "um.. Mrs. Jeong.... I wont really be here today. I have a school project to work on." With that she it completely shocked.

"What? you are going to spend your birthday doing school work?" I nodded and replied "Yes, I kind of promised. It would also be good to get some fresh air since I mostly stay here all day.." She agrees and I continue to  eat breakfast.

Soon after, I get ready for the day ahead of me. I took a shower, brush my teeth and my hair and got dressed into a pair of denim jeans with a green pullover and white turtleneck underneath. I switch on my phone to check the time and see that it is 8 a.m. Realizing that it was too early and being the boring person I am, I decide to be productive and start by cleaning my room, the after commence the other homework that was given. Time the began to quickly go by and before I knew it, it was 10:30 a.m.  Abruptly, my phone 'dings' and I unlock it to see a unread message.

Lee Heeseung: Good morning

Lee Heeseung: Sorry that I am kind of late but I'm downstairs now and I'm not sure if I should come up or not cause I don't really know your apartment number.

Y/N: hi

Y/N: it's ok, I'll meet you downstairs.

I grab my bag, say goodbye to Mrs. jeong and make my way downstairs. As I arrive, I see Heeseung. He stood there talking to someone on his phone. As I made my closer to him, I see an unhappy expression on face and then he annoyingly hangs up his phone. He sighs and  instantly,  he notices me standing next to him.

" Oh Y/N... I'm sorry about that it's just......"  then he sighs

"Oh it's ok....."  At that point, there was a sudden wave of awkward silence.

" So umm... I was thinking about different places in Seoul that have some sort of historical background and I guess I have a few in mind." He explains to try lift up the mood. "What do you think about visiting  Gyeongbokgung palace first? It's not far from here." I nod and we begin to make our way to our destination.

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