Things That Go Bump In The Night

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Since that first kiss happened a few weeks ago Leah and Brantley had fallen into a severe routine. They would do their own things during the day. Like Leah would attend classes. Do her homework. Clean up the house. Cook dinner everything she normally did. Brantley was once again in and out of the house. Back in the studio again. He was putting an album out within the next couple of months. In the daytime Leah and Brantley just felt like roommates who lived with one another.

Then the night time came.

They would hang out. They would eat together. Spend most of the night together. That included the great tongue war of 2021. Except that was it! That was all that was happening. To be honest now at this point? Leah was just getting frustrated! She just really couldn't find a reason why it didn't go past more than just kissing.

Was it her? Was it Leah's fault? Had she done something wrong? Did he not find her cute enough? Was she not attractive enough for him? No! That couldn't be the reason! The man had to find her attractive he had been sticking his tongue down her throat for well over a week. For super long periods of time! The real question for Leah? Why wasn't he sticking something other than his tongue inside of her?

She growled as she looked up at the celling of her pitch black bedroom. Rolling over she punched her pillow hard. Just thinking about it annoyed her to no end. So of course! She would just lay in bed and obsess about it for the rest of the night. Just like she had been for the past week. When he would get her all hot and bothered and then send her to bed like a little girl. Leah just deep down felt like he was hiding something. The question was what? Also why wouldn't he just tell her?

Leah had finally had enough. She was tired of being chased around by her own brain. "Not tonight!" She growled as she stood up. Turning on the small lamp on her nightstand. She realized she was just in a baggy t shirt and black lace panties. "Oh well." She muttered. Maybe the outfit of choice would help the process along! Something was happening tonight and she didn't care.

She walked down the hallway. Stopping at the huge oak door. One room that she was always afraid to go in but when she would find herself in there. She didn't want to leave. She felt safe. She felt protected. Well right now she felt like she was on fire. Like her body knew who was on the other side of that door and her body wanted him just as much as Leah did. The question again? Why didn't he want her?

Biting down on her bottom lip she jingled the door handle slowly and quietly. Quickly noticing it was unlocked which was rare considering he never kept anything locked from in this house except this room lately and now it was unlocked. She opened the door slowly not prepared for the sight she was about to take in.

There he laid in the middle of his King size bed. His eyes closed as his hand was wrapped around his cock. Rubbing it slow and she watched as his hand was moving up and down. Leah bit her lip as she watched in silence. She felt a little pervy at first. Then she felt like it just felt right. She bit down on her knuckle. Then she crossed her legs at the ankles.

"Now or never". She muttered to herself

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