White Flag

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Leah groaned as she heard the sound of her phone on her night stand. Meaning her alarm was going off. She groaned pulling the pillow out from under her head and over her head. Screaming into it lightly as she sat up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and grabbed her phone off the night stand. Pulling it off the charger she silenced her alarm. Monday was here and it was back in full force. Day full of classes. Probably a night full of homework. And of course her least favorite sport lately. An entire day and night of avoiding the man she considered her boss.

Least she could tackle it all while wearing her most comfy pair of pajamas! Since Mondays was the day she was doing all of her school work remote. Plus the icing on the cake? Brantley had been working on new music so when Leah said he was around. Yeah he was around he just wasn't really around. He had been spending most of his time in the basement in a spot Leah had never been since moving into the house. Plus she had been seeing different people walk in and out of the house for the past 2 weeks.

Shaking her head she tossed her phone on the bed and began stripping out of her clothes. Tossing them into the laundry basket. Realizing that today might even be a good day to do some laundry. Sighing she walked into her bathroom turning the shower on. Waiting for the water to warm up before she climbed inside.

Just because she was home for the day didn't mean she had to look like she had been sleeping on a park bench now did it? Plus she had seen Hardy walking around her house a few different times.

After her quick shower and the quickest shave of her life she wrapped a towel around her body and a matching one around her head. The best part of her new shorter hair? The less time she had to use messing around and figuring out what she had to do with it. When she was at home she would just let it air dry and then of course her hair would have a mind of it's own.

 After settling on her basic outfit of the day. A gray crewneck Grey Wash ATLANTA sweater and a pair of black biker shorts. Then she stuck her small feet into a pair of fuzzy UGG slides that she had managed to sweet talk Brantley out of when the two were talking. Right there! In that moment. That kind of hit Leah in the stomach with a brick. The term when they were talking. She or Brantley hadn't talked in almost a solid month. Something that was rare for them. Also something she didn't see ending anytime soon. Considering they were both stubborn as hell. She figured that was why this fight had been so bad. Truth be told she didn't even know what they had been fighting about.

Grabbing her phone off the bed she saw that she didn't have any missed notifications. That was a good thing of course! Then she walked over to her night stand and grabbed her Apple Watch off of the charger. Putting it on her wrist she swallowed. Closing her eyes. Her Apple Watch another gift from Brantley. A Christmas gift actually. Of course the moment she gotten it she had become obsessed with it. Walking over she grabbed her laptop off the charger and walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

 Walking into the dining room with an even heavier heart then what she woke up with this morning she laid her laptop on the table as she walked into the kitchen. Sighing she opened the fridge door. Her lip quivered slightly as she saw the small pitcher she had bought to make iced coffee from Target already full. She knew damn well that she hadn't done it last night. She had barely stayed up till 11 last night. She had no energy! Brantley must have made it for her last night before he went to bed. That again that small act alone made Leah's heart come up into her throat.

Once she made her coffee the way she liked it. She looked around the kitchen. Thinking she had enough time to make 2 slices of Avocado toast before she logged on for her first class. But after the morning that she had just had she had another idea pop up in her head.

Sighing she gave a small smile as she saw the work in front of her. A breakfast sandwich. One english muffin loaded with eggs. Bacon and cheese. Watermelon on the side. She sighed as she slid her step stool over and climbed up it to grab a glass from the cabinet before filling it with ice and topping it off with sweet tea. Leah sighed as she gathered everything up. Quite proud of the gesture she had just done. At least she hadn't laced his food with rat poisoning or anything. Because lets be honest. The man deserved it.

 "White flag.. White flag." Leah whispered to herself as she began the walk down the basement steps. Sighing when she didn't see anything around but then she saw another door and she was hearing something from behind it. Swallowing she knocked lightly.

"It's open!" Brantley yelled. Not thinking anything of it. Not like he was expecting Leah or anything. He just chalked it up to being either his dad or Kolby. Neither knew when to leave something well enough alone. Something that Kolby had come by genetically. So couldn't be mad at him.

 Leah slid into the room. Brantley sat in a black leather chair with his back towards her. Clicking away with a mouse. Music coming out of both speakers. Good. That meant he probably couldn't hear her footsteps either. Sighing and biting down on her bottom lip. Leah sat the plate down beside him. Sitting the glass next to it. Taking a deep breath in and holding it.

Brantley moved his chair just slightly. To look at the plate that was placed beside him. He turned his chair till he was finally facing her. That caused Leah to swallow harshly.

"Leah." He muttered.

She moved her body side to side softly. Just trying to get rid of the weird feeling that was now lingering heavy in the room. " Uh.. I made you breakfast." She whispered looking down at her feet as she clapped them together quietly. She was in no way prepared for what happened next. Especially when Brantley's lips touched hers.

Their lips moving in perfect harmony. Neither one of them having any urge to open their eyes. Both of their tongues fighting for dominance and of course Brantley was winning.

Leah pulled away breathlessly looking up at him. Opening her eyes slowly.

"Thanks for the coffee."

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