chapter 1

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POV: 3rd person
"Give me back my gun! Give it to me!"

Shadow and Rouge watched as a newly arrested criminal was brought into G.U.N.'s HQ. The guy was throwing a fit about his gun that had been taken from him. The ebony hedgehog thought he was exaggerating and making an unnecessary scene. He too had a passion for guns but he would never react like that when being taken away from him.

"Who is that?" Shadow questioned and raised an eyebrow. He was not up-to-date with the criminality, not that he cared. He just waits for a mission to be given to him and completes it before waiting for the next one. He didn't really care for his job.

"That's Maxcel the Wolf." Rouge told him. She watched as two agents held the guy in line, having one hand placed on his shoulder and their other hand having a firm grip on his wrist. "Also known as Sex King."

"And why is that?" Shadow asked and continued his way back to their office.

"Because of the criminal record he has built in the last month. He is wanted for rape and murder. He will rape his victims then end their life with a bullet to the head." The white bat followed her partner as she spoke about the criminal. "And that all with the same weapon."

"Makes sense. Being raped sounds more appealing than death when you have a gun pressed against your skull." The ebony hedgehog replied.

"That's the strange thing about it. He doesn't threaten them into sex nor does he force them. It's like he seduces his victims with his gun. They would be all over him." Rouge seemed to find this criminal interesting, Shadow caught on.

"And how do you know?" Shadow opened the door to their office and found Omega standing in his corner, right where they had left him.

"Bystanders and some of his victims that weren't killed, they satisfied him enough to not kill them." Rouge was about to close the door behind her but it was kept open as a foot was placed in the doorway.

The bat looked over her shoulder and saw Ron, the messenger of the commander. Both mobians thought he is a brat because he thinks he stands above everyone, except the commander, while he is just a messenger, not even an agent. He also likes to push people around.

"Commander Tower wants you both to his office this instant." Ron told the two mobians. Shadow groaned, he despises having to go to the commander. The man didn't like him and saw him as nothing more than a weapon.

The two followed the messenger. Shadow was in the back. He had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. His entire mood had been ruined, even though he didn't have a great mood to begin with.

"Commander, I sent Agent Rouge and Agent Shadow to you as you asked of me."

"Good." Tower waved him away before putting his gaze on the mobians. "Take a seat." He motioned to the chairs opposite from his desk. Rouge and Shadow knew the drill and sat down.

"So as you might know, we have arrested Maxcel the Wolf for various crimes that are under his name. The weapon he uses is of importance in this matter." Commander Tower got up from his seat and walked over to the window. He looked outside as he continued his speech. "He is not cooperative. So far he has refused to tell us anything about the gun he uses. Therefore, instead of sending him to prison, he shall be kept here at our headquarters. Someone has to keep an eye on him and try to get the needed information out of him." The man turned to the two. "You shall be that someone."

"Us?" Rouge said confused and pointed her finger to herself. She was sitting laid back in the chair, her legs over one another and her arms resting on the armrests. "Guarding a criminal isn't really in our field."

"You're the most fitted for this task." The commander went back to his desk and sat down again. "He is a mobian and doesn't acknowledge us humans. You're are the only mobians registered here. Furthermore your strategy good-cop-bad-cop, or bad-cop-bad-cop has been successful before."

"Do we even have the weapon in question?" Rouge asked. Commander Tower nodded and moved over the case he had on his desk. He unlocked it and showed the two the gun. That piqued Shadow's interest, who had only been listening half to the speech.

At first glance it looked like a typical handgun but when looking at the detail, a difference was seen. The barrel was shaped in the form of a heart instead of a circle and there was a pink reddish heart engraved on the side.

"So far we haven't been able to use the gun. The ammo can not be reloaded. The trigger and hammer can be pulled but do nothing."

"That's strange." Rouge was on the edge of her seat.

"We will have a test training scheduled later to see if we can get this weapon to shoot. You will be present as well." The commander said. "It might be for mobian use only."

"We agree to do this task as long as," Rouge left a pause. "The deadline of our paperwork is deferred."

"That can be arranged." Commander Tower nodded. Paperwork was what it was all about with him, but he still agreed. This weapon is a priority if he is willing to put that aside.

"Ron," Tower called his messenger back to his office. The door opened and there he stood, ready for his next order. "Guide them to the cell Maxcel the Wolf is held in."

Shadow didn't look any less grumpy now that it was over. He was walking in the back again. He looked at the thick, heavy door that had been pushed open for them to get in. The room consisted of thick concrete walls that made no escape possible.

There he stood, in a cage of bars, Maxcel the Wolf. His fur color was close to pitch black. His upper chest was covered in white silky fluff. His tail was larger and fluffier than that of other wolves, and the tip of it was white. He had a tuft of hair with a white outline on his forehead. His fingers were white which went up to his knuckles. He had dark blue eyes and two scarred scratch marks across one eye. And lastly, he had a smug grin on his muzzle.

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