Chapter 1

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Finally! Saturday has arrived. Today, Rob and I are going to have our first official date. We never really called it that. Also, I am not sure whether you can call it a date when both people already have a partner and are therefore basically cheating. Wow, cheating. I never thought I would cheat on my wife, but after the strange couple of months I've had this date really does seem like the best possible move. Rob suggested it, actually, and I simply agreed, with butterflies in my stomach. "Think about it," he said last Wednesday evening, "I think we should just meet up sometime outside of you know..." He had made a somewhat annoyed gestures to indicate the parliament building we were standing in. "Don't you think we need to find out what this is between us?" he had asked. With a faint smile around my lips, I had agreed. Rob had never been just a normal colleague. The inside jokes, the teasing, the way my stomach turned when I see him walking down the hall, there is something there. Sooner or later the undeniable chemistry between us would get noticed. So, better to figure it out now. If it is nothing, we could shut our feelings down. If it is something... Well, I'd rather not think about that yet. Never before have I wished this strongly for two contradictory things all at once. I want my life to go back to normal. Normal, with my beautiful wife and three kids. But then, Rob. I want something to happen tonight. Not sure what, but my heart skips a beat at the thought of having Rob all to myself for an evening. We've never really met outside work, outside of the parliament building. What will happen?

I look in the mirror next to my closet, trying to decide what I'll wear. All of the sudden I'm not so sure whether our chemistry is in fact undeniable. Maybe that's just wishful thinking. God, I hope it's true. I guess I'll find out today. Now what to wear? Last Wednesday, after I'd agreed to a secret date, Rob had smiled and before running off to his meeting he whispered, "Remember, no suit. I like you better in a pair of jeans." And off he went. After that I avoided him, afraid that he would hesitate and start doubting if he'd run into me again. I needed him to at least pretend to be sure enough for the both of us and did not want him to start doubting. I wanted the little fantasy to last, at least until next week. After a few more minutes of doubting, I settle for a pair of light jeans and a dark green t-shirt. I hesitate. Should I bring a sweater or a nicer jacket? It is a date, isn't it? I end up settling for a sweater. After all, Rob and I agreed that whatever we do, we shouldn't draw any attention to ourselves. Two politicians of two different parties hanging out together in the weekend, that will definitely spark some questions. It is also for that exact reason we decided to just go out for a long hike and, as to avoid too many people, we would go somewhere in the providence.

I look at the clock. 13.55. Five more minutes and then Rob will be here to pick me up. My mouth is dry from the nerves. I quickly run my hand through my hair, put on my shoes, and grab my bag. A bit aimlessly I wait around in the empty kitchen, trying to avoid the drawings of my kids that hang on the fridge. They remind me of the life that I may or may not be betraying with my morally questionable afternoon plans. Whether you want to call it a real date or not, I feel too nervous and yet also too excited for this to be called normal or socially desirable.

My phone pings. It's him, he's here. Any last moral objections are out of the window. 

* More chapters will follow soon, please like the chapter if you enjoyed it :)

You Robbed My Heart - Jesse Klaver X Rob Jetten AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now