Chapter 3

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My eyes slowly open when I feel the heat of the sun fall over my skin. and as soon as they open I see Bolin's bare chest. I smile against his skin and bury my head against it, not wanting to wake up just yet. Waking up would mean having to peel myself from his side, and I want to be held by him for as long as possible. His hand wraps itself around my waist more as a result to my movements and I soon feel his fingernails dig into my fair skin ever so slightly, which only seems to cause my heart to beat faster.

"Good morning, Ula." Bolin mutters in his husky morning voice which does strange things to me.

"Good morning, Bo." I hum happily. He brings his other arm around me slowly, hugging my naked body into his completely. My smile grows naturally as he pulls me on top of him and I place my ear against his chest, listening to his racing heart beat. He keeps one of his arms around my body to keep me close whilst he lets his other hand gently trails up and down my side. My eyes close at his touch, feeling nothing but comfort when I'm with him.

"What time do you have to meet your mother and grandfather?" Bo asks.

"I only really need to make an appearance at the coronation which is in the afternoon." I start to say in a sleepy voice.

"Didn't your mother say to meet her this morning though?" He asks.

"Well... yes, but-" I say, but Bolin cuts me off when he moves his hands to the back of my thighs. With one gentle push, he moves both of my legs either side of him, forcing me to sit up. "Bo." I whine as my eyes open and I stick out my lower lip slightly to form a pout.

"What are you trying to get out of doing?" He questions, running his hands against my skin gently. His emerald eyes cling onto me as I look down to him and I sigh.

"I'm not trying to get out of anything. I just want to be with you. I mean, we spend more time apart than together. I want you to tell me about everything you've been doing with Kuvira in the Earth Kingdom, then I want to tell you about everything I've been doing in the Fire Nation. I want to joke around with you and laugh like we used to." I explain as I place my hands against his chest and let my gaze follow them as they move over his muscles. There is a brief pause before I feel Bolin sit up from under me, forcing my eyes to meet his again. He shifts me slightly so that I'm not hurting him, and he smiles widely to me. My hands move to the base of his neck, whilst his wrap around my body again.

"I want to be with you too, so why don't we do whatever you need to do this morning together?" He suggests. My eyes widen and a smile hits my lips.

"You'd really come with me? You know it's probably going to be really boring, right?" I say.

"Of course I'll come. And then, umm, m-maybe after the coronation we could go out, just me and you." Bolin stutters slightly.

"Since when did you get nervous to ask me on a date?" I laugh. "You sounded nervous when you suggested it over the radio as well."

"I'm not nervous." He quickly dismisses.

"Oh, so that wasn't you stumbling over your words then?" I tease. "Just so you know, I think it's cute that-"I start, but he cuts me off when his lips hit mine. I instantly react by tightening my grip on him, causing our bare chests to smack together. His tongue licks the bottom of my lip requesting access, but instead of deepening our kiss, I smile against into it. Bolin moves one hand up my back, sending shivers through my body which ignites the lust within me. I soon feel his tongue try its luck again, but I deny him access, liking how the intensity of the kiss grows from my games. His hand moves up again, burying itself in my long hair. I hold onto him tighter and he grabs a hold of some of my hair, tugging at it, sending a pleasurable sensation to race around my body. I moan into the kiss, and as soon as I do, his tongue slips into my mouth. It's then I knew that he pulled my hair so that he could deepen the kiss.

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