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"she saw a person
not worth to mention.
but as days went by
the person caught her eye.
and she let her."


as i was reading, minutes slowly flowed and before i knew it, i was left alone in the whole room with the old lady behind the counter, writing something in the computer which was covering her view. all i cared about was the story and lock of daylight as the sun was setting down at the horizon. not noticing the time on the clock hanging at the wall upon me, i continued reading, thinking the lady would've told me if she was leaving.

the typing on the keyboard interrupted opening the front door. i only heard how the worker was complaining she won't ever finish the writing and asked the newcomer what she or he wanted. the conversation went through me while i was paying attention to how allie had to move to another town and leave noah, until they mentioned the title of the book i was just reading. the book was more famous than i had thought.

"it must be in the shelf," the old lady answered.

i stopped reading and looked behind my shoulder. the girl who asked for the book stepped in front of the romance shelf. i closed the book, packed my stuff and nervously stood up. as i walked past the girl, i noticed how much she was searching for 'the notebook'. the half of her short black hair fell to her forehead but she was still interested only in the titles. with closing the door of the library, guiltiness took over me.

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