S1 EP3: Karma Time

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The tension from the previous episode is still present. The noisy red head in front suddenly became quiet. Ritsu plays the next episode to move on.

Outside of the old campus, you could hear chanting from the students.

"One! Two!Three!"

The scene changed to the students counting while they were in their P.E. uniforms on the field.

Mr. Maehara whistled to see what the kids are doing, "You gotta admit that they look so cool in that." he said and the others nodded in agreement.

"Four!" they counted in unison.

Koro-sensei fanned himself with a daisy while he watched them contently; his teaching robe discarded for an unflattering gym teacher uniform.

"Where did he got those clothes? I've never seen one that matches his body proportions." Mrs. Fuwa asked.

Mrs. Yada shrugged, "Maybe he makes them?"

"Hmm. That makes sense. He must be really gifted in his hands." she mumbled.

"Five! Six!"

"Ah, the sounds of exercise echoing across the field on a sunny afternoon. How peaceful," Koro-sensei said breezily as he watched the students practice stabbing the air while they counted like a well-oiled machine. "Or so it would be if the students didn't have weapons in their hands."

"You nailed it." Mr. Okajima snap his finger and wink at the screen.

"Seven! Eight!"

Karasuma was standing next to Koro-sensei—Dressed down in a shirt and tie with his hands on his waist. "Practice swinging your knives from all eight directions!" Karasuma ordered while the students continued to count and strike the air in unison. "I'll be in charge of physical education from now on."

Mr. Maehara tried what the kids are doing in the screen. Mrs. Maehara looks at him raising an eyebrow, "Stop that. You look stupid not cool." Mr. Maehara grunted in his wife's blunt response, "Come on! Atleast pretend that I look one?" But she did not listen to him that made him grunt more.

"Should I feel relieved that he will be taking over  the subject?" asked Mrs. Kimura and her husband shrug in response.

Koro-sensei's smile dimmed. "I'm feeling a bit left out."

"Didn't I tell you to make yourself scarce during this period?" Karasuma jerked his thumb behind him. "Go play in the sandbox or something."

The scene cut to the sandbox where Koro-sensei was sobbing as he miserably started to build a sandcastle. "You're so mean, Karasuma-sensei!" he whined while Karasuma looked unimpressed. "I'll have you know that my students happen to like my P.E. activities!"

A batch of laughter filled the room. But unlike from the previous episodes. The ones who are laughing are Mr. Maehara and Mrs. Nakamura. The red head Akabane remained focused on the screen, waiting for the appearance of her son.

Mrs. Nakamura thought that her normal attitude that she shows earlier is the same when it comes to her own son. But looks like she was mistaken. Because the Mrs. Akabane that shows right now has a sense of responsibility and worry for her kid. That actually impresses her.

Sugaya and Sugino stopped counting along with the rest of the class.

"Yeah, right," Sugaya rebuked, sighing. "Your physical abilities are too far out there."

"Well, he really is." Mr. Sugaya agrees to his son when he remember the Mach 20 speed of their teacher.

"Don't you remember what happened last time?" Sugino added flatly.

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