Ringo's Bingo: a Ratner Story

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Ringo's Bingo: a Ratner Story - VodkaFridge 

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Ringo's Bingo: a Ratner Story - VodkaFridge 

Judge: Lanis43 

Cover, Title, and Blurb 4/5

 Grammar and Spelling 8/10

Detail 6/10

Originality 3/5

Flow of the Story 2/5

Overall Enjoyment 3/5 

Total 26/50

Chapter 1:  

You mentioned bingo a lot, it's best to not be repetive. "They know nothing" Instead of "They no nothing."You can say " that weren't filled with peace and love."

Chapter 2:

It's better to just say breakfast."Shatner got out of bed that morning feeling happy, since his star trek rose to fame." 

Even though you mentioned bingo a lot, yo never described their reactions when, they did win. Did a fight break out? Is someone accused of cheating?

Chapter 8:

How did he know, the object, he was hit with, if he had a sack over his face? It's not really realistic, most children books aren't that heavy. If someone gets hit in the head with a book, they might have a bruise, but it's not strong enough to knock them out. Maybe you can say "Someone put a cloth to his nose, he breathed it in, and he was out in a matter of seconds. He didn't get to see the face of his kidnapper."

Hoes isn't the right word to describe his feelings. You can say " lovers" instead. 

Note: I only list the chapters that contain errors, I did read your whole book. Even though your book had some errors, I'm hope you will use my adviceI love that your book, has a light, and overall fun tone. 

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