Chapter eighteen: Disobedient

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"So you're still thinking of me
Just like I know you should
I can not give you everything, you know I wish I could
I'm so high at the moment
I'm so caught up in this
Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke
But we still got love to give"
- Young Dumb and Broke, Khalid


Tom Riddle didn't own many things as a child, growing up as an orphan definitely did not help that fact. He shared almost everything with the people at the orphanage. So, when he did eventually get something in his possession, he will de damned if he lets it go without a fight. For he didn't like to share objects, and he especially did not like to share people.

So, when he saw the girl he so very desired to be his own, kiss one of his most loyal subjects, not only did his ego become punctured in more spots than one, but he also changed that day. In that moment he began to plot, he began to scheme, and most importantly, he began to figure out the most effective way to get revenge.

She should've known, in his mind she was already his, and she should've known not to kiss Abraxas back. She should've declined his act of affection and instead come to him for comfort, to kiss his cold lips. However, she didn't, she allowed him to taint her lips first, and that angered him to his core.

It was like lava running through his veins lighting up every vessel until he was practically steaming at touch. She needed to be taught a lesson, a lesson so harsh that she would never as much as think of another man while in his company, under his protection.

So Riddle began to ignore her, day to day, as normally he would spare her a glance during dinner or during any meal really. He would ask her to join him in the library as company and she would gladly accept. He would make casual conversation with her when he had the spare time. Not anymore. He pretended she didn't exist, he did what he did best- he was emotionless from the outside in.

Then of course, he needed to punish Malfoy for doing what he had done. Truthfully, he knew his subject didn't do anything he wasn't supposed to. He was told to get close to the witch and force her to join his society. He didn't need him anymore though, what Tom realized was that he could do that himself. He could pretend to love her, to care for her, whilst all getting the benefits.

"Abraxas, though you have done good at doing what you were told, I no longer need you to continue the task" Riddle laid his cup down on the glass tabletop, his legs crossing over elegantly. He didn't know what to make of the expression that went on the boy's face when he told him that, but he was sure of one thing, Abraxas was not going to give up so easily.

"I mean no disrespect when I say this my lord, but Valencia and I have grown closer, and soon I'm positive I could get her to join our cause" he folded his hands with a tight grip over his lap, and watched as his superior's eyes narrowed into fine slits.

"Like I said I applaud you for being so faithful to what I have asked of you to do, but you no longer need to" Riddle's jaw clenched and unclenches in a matter of a seconds, his frustration was evident by the lack of straight posture as he usual was. He was already growing tired of being questioned and he figured that if they were smart, they'd refrain from it.

"But sir I really do think that she has taken a liking to me, I mean.. we've gotten closer than you could ever imagine" he mumbled thinking about the memories they had shared. He planned for more, and although he valued his life and hers, he wasn't going to stop seeing her. He couldn't. "I've already kissed her, we've went on plenty of dates, all I really need to do is close that last window of intimacy as she won't be able to leave-"

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