Chapter 3

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"Table #3's drinks are ready." Kenma slightly shouted.

"Alright, i'll take this order on kenken." Atsumu offered walking up the bar counter grabbing the tray from Kenma.

"Thanks Atsu"

He walked past the blue set colored club passing by the dancers and weird creepy men to the correct table placing their drinks. He walked away after, looking for Oikawa who was leaning on table near the "employees only' door drinking some soda.

"Tooru, what the fuck are you doing? Do you wanna get fired or something?" Atsumu had his hands on his hips raising an eyebrows at him.

Oikawa sighed and huffed. "Iv'e been working for so long now Tsumu. I'm tired. Can you please ask the boss for a 15 minute break?" He pleaded.

 Atsumu was about to shake his head 'no' but, Oikawa began to pout and plead even more and soon enough Atsumu gave in.

"Ugh fine, stop making that disgustingly cute face at me"

Oikawa jumped up hugging Atsumu giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Tsumu".

"Yeah yeah your welcome". Atsumu smiled at his best friend and watched him walk into the 'employees only' room.  

* zzzz zzzz *

A buzzing noise could be heard from his pocket and he took out his ear piece connector listening to voice from the other line . "Atsumu, please inform Suga and Kasshi that their up next for the upcoming dance in 10 minuets."

"Okkk thanks Satori" 

Atsumu walked around looking for his 2 other friends. He thought of checking the dressing room but felt a hand grab his arm. He turned around seeing a man who looked like he was in his mid 30's.

"Hey baby, wanna come give me a special dance?" The man smirked swooning back and forth. He was obviously drunk.

"Um no thanks sir." Atsumu ruffly shook the guys hand off his arm and began speed walking to the dressing room finding his 2 friends there doing their makeup. He closed the door and slid down to the floor placing his head in his hands. 

"Hey Atsu, what's wrong?." Akaashi got up from the seat and walked over to Atsumu bending down in front of him. 

"Some weird perverted drunk guy fucking touched me asking if I wanted to give him a 'Special Dance'." Atsumu's face was clear of disgust.

"Tsk, these guy's don't have respect for other people. Like what the fuck is your problem." Suga sneered. 

Atsumu sighed. "This job is already stressful as it is."

"Don't worry. Next time some guy touches you, i'll slap the shit out of them." Akaashi smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Aww thank you Kaashi." Atsumu smiled as well. Akaashi's smile seemed to be contagious.

"Wow, no kisses for me?" Suga turned around to them and pouted.

Atsumu and Akaashi went up to Suga and gave him kisses on the cheek which leaded them to all giggle. 

The group of boys which consisted of Oikawa, Atsumu, Kenma, Akaashi, Sugawara and Tendou were all like family to each other. Giving each other cheek kisses was what they did normally and didn't have no romantic meaning to them. 

They worked at a bisexual club (both girl and boy dancers) not to far away from the collage they all attended to together. 

Couple weeks after Oikawa and Atsumu had ran away, they had found a little abandoned house  no one lived in close to a high school. In need for a job desperately, they applied at the club where they meet Suga, Akaashi, Kenma and Tendou. The four boys had their own problems and reasons for working at the club so they helped out Oikawa and Atsumu.

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