(𝟸𝟼) 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

83 27 180

"Arcane?" My words are quiet, hesitant, as they scatter through the deathly silent bedroom.

Zehra turns towards me, her usually chocolate-colored face drained of color. "Phoenix." She breathes, not moving from her spot by our roommate.

Our roommate, who had been missing for the past few months then turned up unconscious near the eastern Tower a few weeks ago. 

So I can't help but feel somewhat cautious, suspicious, of her. How the hell did she end up miles from the Base, undetected?

I close the door behind me, staring at the wan-faced woman lying on the cot. Zehra, her slender fingers laced together with worry, whispers, "Some Healers brought her here a few hours ago. She had spent a week being checked up in the ET room—I was there part of the time, as a fellow Healer. I was instructed to not tell anyone."

I approach the cot and perch on its end, by Zehra, and stare at Arcane's face. Unearthly pale and malnourished, her hollow cheekbones the most prominent asset.

She's clad in a thick black sweater, the rest of her body concealed by a gauzy blanket the color of mud. And I can't help the disbelieving words I utter to Zehra. "Do you really believe she was forcefully taken out of the Base? Who the hell would do that? Her ending up on the eastern border of The City makes no sense." 

Zehra doesn't respond for a few minutes, and I curiously glance at her—to see the same disbelief coating her features. With a swallow, she says, "No. I don't believe it." She turns to me. "But we can't accuse her of betrayal, because we have no proof."

"Her ending up out of the Base and miles away is proof enough, I would say." 

Zehra sighs shakily. "The question is why did she leave. What was the point?" Despite her accusing words, she tucks the brown blanket higher over Arcane, up to her chin.

I stand from the cot, skepticism and mistrust looping inside me like a violent wind—how did she leave? Did no one notice her exit?

And why did she leave?

"Has she been unconscious since she was brought to our room?" I question as I go to pull my nightgown out of the bedside table. 

"Yes. I haven't gotten the chance to speak with her yet." She tucks her hands under her. "But the Healers said she had woken up for a bit in the ET room, then went right back to unconsciousness. So at least we know she's not in a coma or any serious trauma."

A true Healer through and through, regardless of whether Arcane is a traitor or not. 

Striding to the black folding screen to the side of the room, I slide my day clothes off and settle into my clean nightgown, this one a cozy cotton material.

As I emerge from behind that screen, I see Zehra perched on her own cot now, her beautiful face distraught and anxious as she leans on her fists.

"What's wrong, Sister?" I ask as I sit beside her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

She leans her head against the hand over her shoulder, and I can't help the affection I feel for my fellow rebel—like the blood-born sister I never had, never got.

A real sibling. A real sister. 

"Arcane arrived at the Base a few months before you did." She starts quietly. "But she wasn't brought here by Raeyan, per the usual rebels. She was brought here by Riona Talay."

I halt at the name. Riona Talay...

Riona the traitor.

Most rebels here are aware of her death, her betrayal, as most had stopped seeing her around and eventually asked The Top what had happened to her, where she went. 

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