Ch 4

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For one whole week, the palace was filled to the brim with wizards and physicians. Several people went in and out of a certain crystal-filled room with faces as white as sheet when they leave.

Claude for the whole week, never left Claudia's side. Felix was getting more and more worried as the days past, with the princess never showing any sign of waking up, and the emperor himself looking like he will collapse any second from exhaustion.

Every person that checked the girl all said one thing in common.

" The princess's magic protected her from being killed by a poison and it is up to her magic when she wakes up"

Suffice to say, those that ever entered the room were threatened of being tortured, and have their limbs rip out of their body if they don't have the answer the emperor desires. Those that were arrogant enough, or had the guts to actually brag about their own talents when they couldn't even wake Claudia were killed on spot.

Every day that passed was like torture for the emperor. With him knowing that his long lost twin was finally beside him once more but not being able to reach her.

' So close yet so far...' Claude thought to himself.

And just like that, a week had passed. But today would be different. Today the princess would finally wake up. But not in a way they thought she would...

Claude was as usual beside his beloved twin when a bright light suddenly appeared and consumed her body. The blonde jumped in surprise as Claudia's body began to float and moved on an upright position, standing on nothing but air.

He watched as her normal golden locks turned dark blue that floated all around her, as if she was under water. A gasp escaped his lips when her eyes opened and her blue jeweled eyes looked straight at his own.

Eyes that looked far to old and wise for his twin. Eyes that didn't belong to his twin.

Claude could feel it. Even though this being has the same body, the same eyes, and the same face as his twin, this is not Claudia. This creature before him is nothing more than a stranger using his twin's body. And that thought made him mad.

" Who are you?! How dare you take control of my Claudia's body!" He roared as his hands formed fist. Magic crackling from his hands.

The door was busted open and revealed Felix who ran inside as soon as he heard his lord's enraged voice. And just like the blonde, the red headed knight gasped at the sight of the awake princess.

The knight of crimson blood could do nothing but stare as he has no idea what to do. For if he attacked the girl who had the same face as her highness, Felix had a feeling that the emperor will have his head.

Claude on the other hand was glaring daggers at the entity as he restrained himself from attacking, not wanting to hurt his twin.

" Claude de Alger Obelia. The emperor of the great Obelian Empire and the twin of God's Treasure"

The being spoke. Voice similar yet so different from the princess. The voice that Claude longed to hear for a very long time tumbling out of the being's mouth, yet right now he felt nothing but hatred.

The sound that used to ease and calm his heart was now being used by something else and he felt no familiarity from the supposed-to-be familiar voice. His heart and soul knew that this is not his sister's, and that only added to his anger.

Unperturbed by the obvious rage of the blonde Emperor, the dark haired woman spoke once more.

" Listen well young mortal, for knowing this might just save your life and protect this beloved treasure.

Her voice was indifferent and the aura she gave off was nothing like they'd ever felt before. Her eyes looked at them with so much knowledge, that in front of her, they felt like an open book. An all-knowing eyes...

" Fate has now shifted
As God's Treasure has arrived
Her butterfly wings of change
Will create a great changing tide

Light and happiness will once again reign
For her presence alone is a gift
But be warned for darkness brews
Seeking the girl for himself

Three men will be destined
To stand proudly by her side
They will be her protectors
Only if they learn to stand side by side

Enemies will become allies
As the unknown will once again rise
Save God's Treasure this time
And vanquish the darkness that will soon arise

For this to happen
You must first find the three
One is already beside her
While the other will soon awake from his slumber

The last will be difficult
For he hides in the dark
But he will no doubt come
For the one who bears his mark

These men should learn to get along
And fight together as one
For only then can they truly
Become their beloved's salvation"

As the last words left the entity's mouth, her eyes closed once more with Claudia's body descending to the floor.

Claude wasted no time to catch her as his mind processed what that being just said.

However, a groan from his arms immediately put a stop to all his thoughts as his eyes shifted to his, now once again, blonde twin.

His eyes stared into her persona as another groan left her mouth and slowly but surely, her eyes started to glitter open.

Claude could feel his heart thumping loudly in his chest, as hope blossomed inside him. Soon, a familiar set of eyes opened fully and gazed dazedly at him. A somewhat shocked but happy expression appeared on his face as he watched his twin focus her attention to him. He could see the confusion in her face as she blinked her eyes to clear it from it's still blurry view.

Once her eyes became more sharp and actually looked at him, the confusion turned to shock and back once more to a confused expression.

Her delicate red lips opened and the voice that he missed dearly echoed around the quiet room and to his ears.



In a manor hidden behind thick foliage of trees, a man who was drinking tea inside his office suddenly froze. Blue jeweled eyes blink in confusion for a second before being replaced with shock and disbelief.

Tea long forgotten, the man stood abruptly from his chair as he looked outside his window with thinly veiled happiness.

" She's alive" he breathed out in happiness.


In an unknown location, inside a black tower. A black haired man, who up until now laid unmoving in a glass coffin made of magic twitched. An unconscious smile graced his handsome features as the magic around him pulsed in excitement and longing to see someone the man himself doesn't know...yet.

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