Chapter 12 - Kabir (Present) THE DELAY

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'I have talked to the individuals who will be with me on this mission. They seem good to me', I said.

I was sitting on the chair in Neil's office, looking outside the window. He was at the table, busy with some paperwork.

'Yes, but you cannot leave tomorrow. The minister has called all of your team for a dinner in the ministry office. He wants to talk to all the individuals and wish them best of luck personally', Neil replied.

A dinner? Okay. I asked, 'So we need to attend it? When? What time?'

He wasn't looking at me but he said, 'Day after tomorrow, 6:30pm reporting.'

What? I sat up tight and asked, 'Day after tomorrow? Why is he delaying our mission? What does he want? Couldn't he do it today? Or tomorrow?'

Neil sighed and looked at me now. He said, 'Kabir, he is a minister. He has a lot of work to do, lots of meetings to attend. If he is delaying us a day or two, that's fine. Maybe he has some other things planned tomorrow.'

'Yeah I know. I know. But I can't bear letting Kiara be in that forest another day. I wanna bring her back', I replied.

'Yeah, I get it. But be careful as to what you say in front of him? Remember I told you about the mole?', Neil asked.

I raised my eyebrows and said, 'Yes I do.'

'Yeah, so the mole maybe him, or it can be somebody else who works under him. So try not to give them spoilers okay?', he asked.

Ouch. 'I never spoil anything. That was rude', I said.

He started laughing. Oh come on. He said, 'YOU? You don't give spoilers? What about the Mysore Murder mission? Who was the one who served all our plans on a plate decorated with proofs?'

I scratched my forehead and said, 'That was just once.'

'Okay, then what about the Bangkok mission? Who decided to go to the bar with the sweet lady who turned out to be the culprit?', he asked.

'Okay fine. Yes I will remember', I nodded and replied. I still couldn't help but laugh at that memory. It was so funny.

'Okay then, see you soon. Come back here after the dinner. You'll leave at noon, the next day', he said and went back to doing what he had been doing earlier.

'Okay, see ya', I said.

I left the office and made my way home. I changed into my bed clothes and ate some food. I watched the news for a while and finally sleep took over me.

I dreamt of the time when I was about ten years old. Kiara was playing with me besides a lake. She was eight and was very enthusiastic too, for almost about everything. We were playing hide and seek, when we saw a small animal, which looked like a squirrel, go towards the lake, but it stayed on the edge. Kiara was fond of animals and wanted to go in and grab it. I told her not to but she didn't listen and said, 'I'll be fine brother.'

The next moment, she slipped and fell into the lake. She didn't know how to swim and was drowning. I didn't know how to swim either, but without even thinking for a second or two, I jumped in too. I got hold of her and tried to get out of the pool. I flapped my feet and hands on the water. I had seen some people swimming and I knew this was what they did. After a long struggle I reached the bank and got her out. Thankfully, she was alive.

Suddenly the scene changed and I was in my office with Kiara besides me. I was angry about something. But I heard her saying, 'I'll be fine brother'...

I woke up with a start. I realised that it was morning. I sat on the bed thinking that there was once a time when I had nothing with which I could help her but I helped her anyways and now I have everything but I still can't reach her.

But no more. I am going to save my sister. I will go there and get her back. I will do everything I can.

I got up from the bed and brushed up myself. In about fifteen minutes, I was ready to go to the office when I saw Neil's text.

It said,

Don't come to the office today. Take some rest before the trip. Spend some time with people you feel happy with. Go out and have some fun. I'll do the rest. Go to the dinner tomorrow and meet me later.


I thought for a moment about whom to spend my day with. Finally, I decided and went to the café next street.

* * *

Will Kabir be able to hold his tongue this time? Or will he end up giving spoilers again?

And why do you think the minister wants to have this dinner? Just casually? Or is the mole doing this?

Let's hope the next two days bring a little happiness to Kabir.

Lots of love


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