Ren: Ted, your roots are showing.

Ted: Shit, I'll have to ask Aunt Daisy to dye it again.

Ren: Bit risky don't you think? She's your mother's sister after all.

Ted: Daisy has said on multiple occasions saying that she resents what Maria did. Even if every time she lied and was secretly planning to make me her sex slave, she couldn't handle all three of us, and you alone could kick my ass. So if she somehow took control over my body, I know one of you two could knock some sense into me.

Ren: Yeah, you forgot one thing, mind control doesn't work on us.

Ted: Oh yeah, so are we gonna keep looking at a pretty much parallel to my life or am I getting my hair re-dyed?

Ren: Your hair can wait till tomorrow.

Ted: Back to the AU then.

It's now around the time that Theo should have awakened as a response to Ted's brain thinking it was being attacked, but that didn't happen.

Ren: Theo should have awakened right as that surge of Inergy interacted with the dormant reserves residing within his body.

Ted: I kinda wanna know why. Theo did tell me that Brando's have a separate personality that awakens along with their Tick, but that's all he's told me.

Ren: He also said that they don't make their presence known to the person they're residing in unless they absolutely need them to, or they feel like it.

Ted: You of course aren't that separate personality for me. You don't call yourself Brando.

Ren: From what not said I could tell you, I am something from Maria's side of the family.

Ted: I... see...

Ted was resisting the urge to be Ren's end as he watches the other him be trapped in a yellow barrier. The other him being amazed when it dissipates.

Ren: Seems like this Ted Theo Cole is genuinely a good person.

Ted: No, his name is just Ted Cole. I got mine legally changed a bit before the school year started. I didn't have a middle name at this point in history, and I only did it so that I could have my dads name.

Ren: And with the addition of Theo, you didn't want it to get confusing.

Ted: I guess...

Ren: Ha. He got him wet.

Ren says watching Adam shoot the other Ted with water from a water bottle.

Ted: Heh, guess he did.

Ted was still kind of out of it, thinking about what Ren told him.

Ren: I'd ask if you wanted to know the exciting drama that is American middle school, but then I remembered that you are... well... you.

Ted: Not even mad. Onto his high school year's then?

Ren: No, the death of your uncle.

They leave and come back to see a brown-haired man in an alleyway, several bodies in his wake.

Ted: Uncle Scott. You... you... murderer...!

Ren: Those bodies were dead before he entered, some are half-decayed, some are around a week old.

Ted: Still. That smug grin on his face is pissing me off!

Ted's Uncle Scott was a villain by the name of "Necro" He was famous for... raping the dead bodies of his victims, both male and female, young and old, he didn't care for race either.

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