'How is this possible!' A Minister expressed his disbelief. 'Wasn't Sir Rowan attacked too?'

'He was taking precautions,' the King addressed the Ministers. 'He made a bargain with the Demon Queen. His sight for his help.' 

'Will you not even try to explain your dishonourable actions!'

'Never!' Sir Rowan seethed. 

'Rowan, Jeremiah,' the Queen spoke to the prisoners. 'You are hereby stripped by your titles. Any affiliation to the Dithrai Crown is, from this moment on, dissolved. You are to remain in captivity till your daughter arrives-' 

'Felicia has nothing to do with this!' Jeremiah wailed, desperately, 'Neither does our son! Please spare them!'

'-Upon our investigation, we will decide her fate.'

'She has nothing to do with this!' He cried. 'Nothing! I swear she has nothing to do with this!' 

'Take them away,' the King ordered. 

Phoebe addressed Jeremiah with stormy eyes. 'You should have thought this through.' 


Amara was nervous as she walked toward the chamber once again. This time she was ready to take the warrior down. Once again, she had effectively woven a strong sleeping spell around her. As she moved, demons fell into a deep slumber. 

The warrior who was stationed outside the prince's door collapsed when she stood before him. 

Her heart thumped against her ribs as she unlocked the double doors. 

It's time to go home. She inhaled deeply before she dissolved her spell. 

She pushed the doors open with her foot. They creaked as they revealed the dark chamber. 

It was dead quiet inside. The blanket was neatly folded at the edge of the bed. The mirror was scattered on the floor, broken into tiny silver pieces. Just as she realized what he had planned, she heard something move behind. 

Spinning on her heels, she raised a protective shield around her. 

Damien came at her with a piece of mirror. His eyes were murderous. Blood oozed out of his hand as he tried to break her barrier. Their proximity gave her time to study the perfect proportions of his visage. She was so carried away by them that she let her guard down. 

The barrier broke and the shard came at her. 

She thought she was going to lose an eye. 

Fortunately for her, he propelled his attack at the last moment and discarded the mirror immediately. He gasped as his weight shifted on his bad leg. Unable to take the pain, he grabbed her shoulder for support. 

The only problem was that she wasn't ready for it. Both of them lost their balance and tumbled down. 

For a moment, both of them were numb. 

'Amara,' he rasped. 'It's you.'

Her eyes widened as she gazed into those beautiful blue eyes. His face became a blur as tears pooled in her eyes.  

She let her disguise come apart as she rose to her feet. She helped him up, keeping his injury in mind. She wished she could heal it but it was beyond her capabilities. 

'H-how did you know?'

He let out a dry laugh as he cupped her cheek with his unscathed hand. 'Only you could do that.' He breathed and connected his forehead with hers. 'After all this time...' 

'We must leave,' she whispered.

'You're right.' 

Neither of them moved. They basked in the warmth of each others' presence. Their breaths mingled and their hands wove together. They held onto each other with a grip that indicated a promise. 

'We should really leave,' he chuckled. 

'You're right,' she dared to move away but her grip on his hand tightened. She was never going to let go of it, no matter what. 

No matter what.

'Come along now. It's time to go home.'

He smiled. 'Home,' he echoed, dreamily. 

Just how long had he thought of home?

Amara smiled at him through her tears. 'Home.' 

She cast the sleeping spell around them and moved through the secret chambers that Raphael had marked for her. They moved slowly because of Damien's injuries but her spell made up for it. 

The passageway opened into the sewers. The two of them bore the offensive smell and moved swiftly toward the opening, where the twinkling stars beckoned them. 

Finally, Prince Damien looked at the vast sky above him and then at the woman standing beside him. He relished the warmth of her skin. Unable to contain his feelings, he embraced her. 'I'm sorry, Amara,' his voice was heavy. 'I'm sorry you had to go through everything because of me.'

'Don't apologize, love,' she drew away and wiped his tears with the pad of her thumb. 'There is nothing to be sorry about.' 

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