Pulling strings

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The next morning, while gathering tools to harvest the precious trophies from his bloody and beaten pet, David ran into a problem. Having unexpected visitors is the last thing he wanted to deal with, especially when they're tall, buff and asking too many questions about his precious piggy. The knocks at the door sent shivers down his spine and as he looked through the window faces he's only seen once at Josh's practice were suddenly at the door.

Rushing to hide the tools, his heart raced and mind flooded with potential answers to their questions.
He washed his hands of last night's dried blood as he called out "I'll be right there!".

The knocking subsides and David attempts to collect himself before answering. Triple checking what he may have left out before finally letting the intruders inside.

David cautiously opens the door and the trio of Josh's teammates look at him, "How may I help you gentleman?"

The one nearest the door speaks up "Hi I'm Chance, I'm part of the football team at Casper. I was wondering if you have seen Josh around. He quit a few days ago with no real reason why, and we just wanted to check in and make sure he is doing alright. Do you know where we could find him?"

"Oh I've actually been looking for him too. He and my step dad left a few days ago on some road trip. They didn't tell me where they went, but I expected them home by now." David replies.

Chance looks down at the ground as if he were trying not to cry, "Well thanks for your help. We'll swing by and let you know if we find anything out. Have a good day"

"Thank you and good luck. Have a good one." David says while closing the door, but just before he could take a breath, one of the unnamed boys speaks up.

"Hey is that his letterman jacket?"

A lump forms in David's throat. He starts to panic. He missed something and it could get him caught if he doesn't come up with something quick.

"He um.. He left it for me to clean right before he left. He was cooking bacon and the oil splattered onto his jacket. I actually just finished cleaning it, so I apologize if you smell any cleaning products." Good, David thought. He killed two birds with one stone.

"Ah okay. Thanks again." Chance said as the other two waived goodbye.

After what felt like hours, David was finally able to close the door. He collected the tools he had sporadically hid in his panic and placed them back into his bag.

He began his descent into the basement with his heart still pounding but also with a smile creeping its way onto his face.

"Hey, how's my little piggy doing?" he said into the darkness where could only make out the silhouette of his brother slouched over.

He flicked the light on and he could see blood and tears dripping down the side of piggy's face while saliva collected in a pool on the floor beneath it.
As he got closer, Josh's eyes shot open and his pupils dilated into being nearly invisible. He ripped the layers upon layers of tape around piggy's mouth, each causing more and more pain to it.

The final layer ripped away with a satisfying tear and he could feel the peach fuzz upon his brother's face rip away.

"Hey little piggy, this is my turn to talk and you turn to listen. I want you to listen very closely. I am going to free you today. All I am going to do is knock you out and then I'm gonna bring you somewhere else. If you tell anyone, I will kill you. Understand?"

Josh nods. With one quick swipe of the plier, Josh is out cold. If only he knew that David was lying.

David finally got to do what he has been wanting to do this entire time. He forced Josh's mouth open and took some floss out of his bag.

Slowly, meticulously, making sure he did each tooth correctly, he tied floss around each and every took individually and then tied the other end to the basement's door knob.

He waited and waited until Josh was awake. The moment he opened his eyes, David laughed.

"Hey piggy. Guess what? I lied. This is for everything you have put me through."

He slammed the door shut, the noise of the crash followed by the sound of 30 rocks hitting cement, the teeth flying into the door. The sound of the teeth gruesome, second only to Josh's screams and wails of pain.

The Tooth KillerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora