*36|| Arrival

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Karl stood frozen in his spot, eyes locked on the crawling demon-like creature approaching him. He thought it was similar to two different characters from different universes, the lovechild of Jockey from Left 4 Dead and Sadako from the Japanese horror stories.

Its black-tipped fingers and long sharp nails were probably an inch or two away from scratching his face when he felt arms around his waist.

The world disappeared around him in a blink and restructured almost instantly. He looked around to find himself beside the wooden rail and you standing in front of him. There was something different about you, is it your hair? No, maybe your outfit? Nah, you're still wearing the coat. His eyes then trailed down to your hands that's covered in black mist, navy skin crawling up from your fingertips.

"Y/N?" He calls out but you barely paid him any mind.

The crawler was gone, he didn't even get the chance to see what happened. You didn't reply but what you did was face the others before waving your hands in a circular motion.

Schlatt's jaw dropped when he saw his two opponents elevate and pulled forcefully towards the growing black hole by the edge of the ship. He panicked and grabbed Sam who stood petrified as he watched the enemies get eaten by the void. Schlatt's strong grip on his arm snapped the creeper hybrid out of his trance and took the goat-man away with him, blasting their way to the upper deck.

"Why is there a random blackhole here?!"

"And why is it only pulling them?"

"Who cares? We're safe!" Puffy exclaimed, standing a few meters away from the black hole.

Karl just watched you, astonished by the sudden abilities that jumped out from out of nowhere. It confused him but as Puffy has said, at least they're safe.

The illusion started to crumble pixel by pixel. Revealing the town circle, or at least what's left of it. Everyone fell silent as they looked around the leftovers of the meteor strikes, which is not many. And because the totem was in the range of Puffy's powers, it was left untouched.

There was a loud roar from somewhere, but it struck them odd because it wasn't like the noise the orcs and the giants would scream out, it has a few intelligible words in the mix. It felt personal, it seems hurt.

"Let's search for the others," Sam grunts out as he leans towards Ponk. His strength fading with the walls.

You made a move to follow your friends only to pause as you feel something trail down your nose, you quickly wiped it off with you sleeves to see it stained by red, lighting up the panic inside you. Then, the voice akin to demon you just met earlier echoed in your head.

"Our deal is done, bring forth offerings so I'll let you live longer. Beware of overusing power that is never your to begin with or you might just perish a little earlier than your friends."

As long as you keep your friends safe, you'll take all of the upcoming pain although you don't have the highest tolerance for it.


Phil thanked the avians silently for leading him to the others who were relieved to see him and an unconscious Techno tucked under his arms. Phil ignored the ache he felt in every fibre of his being, wanting to prioritize his friends before him. He was lucky enough that he didn't end up like Dream, Niki was healing him but he was concerned about how it can affect her energy, especially when she was using a shield to protect them while tending to his wounds.

Dream was able to escape but he came out with a damaged arm that he used to help Wilbur walk.

Wilbur, damn it.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 || Karl Jacobs x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon