9|| Directions

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It was painfully obvious that everyone but Techno and Y/N didn't get any sleep with the deep bags they sported underneath their eyes the next day.

The two took it upon themselves to cook for the team who's mostly composed of sleep-deprived people because of what happened last night. Techno left while everyone was eating only to come back later with a horse in tow, tamed and ready to be used. He said that it'll be better to create a cart that the others can ride in while he drives them back home.

Besides, they'll arrive home faster than the time it took both of them to reach the spruce biome.

Everyone except the pink-haired male entered the cart and settled in first before riding off the sunrise.

It was mostly silence in the area if you ignored the sound of the wind and the neutral mobs they passed by. Due to the boring atmosphere, Karl has passed out hanging his head down but Schlatt noticed and kicked the shin of the resting male sitting next to Karl, Quackity looked up at him with an annoyed look, he seemed to be trying to sleep as well. He opened his mouth to fight him but the horned man placed a finger on his lips before signalling to the sleeping boy beside him.

Quackity's eyes softened as it landed on Karl, his hands came up to cup his head and gently led him onto his lap, hoping that the boy won't wake up with the movement.

Then it was nothing once more, just the sound of the horse galloping and the leaves getting rattled by the wind until Techno spoke up with a question in mind that needed an answer.

"How long have you guys been surviving?"

"About a day before you guys found us" Quackity answered since the two other male were occupied, Karl was sleeping and Schlatt eating an apple he picked out while the cart moved slowly under an apple tree. He took about a dozen before the horse picked up its pace.

"It's shocking how we managed to stay alive when we were surrounded by grass monsters" Schlatt added, taking a bite on his apple before turning to the man on the front, sitting on a horse.

"They're neutral, you guys were scared for nothing," Techno says as if he wasn't intimidated by them days before until Y/N proved it to him during the adventure.

"We came about a week and four days after Tommy and Tubbo disappeared" Quackity reveals, mindlessly running his fingers through Karl's brown locks.

"It's already been that long? I'm stuck here for a year already" Techno said.

"A Minecraft day is 20 minutes right?" Quackity asked the group and Schlatt nodded.

"That makes sense," Techno said before concentrating on the path they're going through.

"They're also here?" Y/N butts in, shocked at the news of many YouTubers and Streamers entering the realm.

"Yeah, so is half of the SMP. We came the day after Bad and Skeppy left" Quackity answered, eyeing a new apple Schlatt has pulled.

"What were they thinking? Watching a suspicious stream with a looping glitched image..." Techno scoffed from in front.

"I could ask the same thing about you big guy" Schlatt fires back, turning to the pink hair after pulling another apple and handing it to Quackity who took it.

"I mean it was an ad that I couldn't remove from my screen, was about to pull the plug then it sucked me in" Techno defends himself.

"Have you guys figured out a way to leave this place?" Quackity butts in, looking at the duo who served more time in this world as he takes a bite on the fruit but Y/N shook her head.

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