That's Charlie.

His eyes were so familiar. It was definitely him and that's what made me choke on my tears as I clamped a hand over my mouth.

He reached up to grab my wrist, gently pulling it from my face while his eyes stayed on my face.

He moved my hand to plant a kiss on it. It looked like he wanted to say something but then his eyes closed and I felt myself panic.

"Charlie? No... no, Charlie!" I ran my hand to the side of his neck, turning his head towards me. "Charlie open your eyes. Look at me for fuck sake! Don't—"

I took a look at his body, seeing how badly in shape he was. Bruises and cuts everywhere and he had a big red spot on his side.

When I pulled up his shirt, he was bleeding violently which made me cry more. I pressed a palm to the wound. That was the only thing I knew to do.

Next I placed two fingers against his neck, feeling the relief wash over my body at the pulse I could feel.

It was faint but it was there.

"Molly!" I shouted. "Arthur!"

My babies were crying at all the noise, at how panicked I was, but right now I couldn't pick them up no matter how much I wanted to.

Charlie was on the ground in front of me, possibly dying and I didn't want to let that happen.

"I'm so sorry." I cried, brushing my hand over his hair. "I'm sorry I gave up. I thought you were dead b-but— please don't die on me."

"Ember what is it—"

I looked up to see both Molly and Arthur in the door as and soon as they registered what was happening, they hurried over.

"Oh my boy." Molly placed a hand over her mouth, another against her stomach as Arthur checked the state of their son.

"I don't know what happened." I cried. "He just... he apparated and he— he's hurt."

Arthur placed his hand to push mine away from the wound while looking at me.

"Let me take a look at that."

I removed my shaking hand, staring down at it as it was covered in blood.

Charlie's blood.

All the times he's come home with scratches and cuts but never once did I think this would happen.

"Merlin's beard." Arthur breathed when he saw the wound.

He pulled out his wand and used the bandaging spell to wrap around Charlie's abdomen to help the pressure against the wound.

"Is he going to be okay, Arthur?" Molly asked, close to crying as well.

"I'm taking him to St. Mungos." Arthur ignored her question and while I sat on the ground, shaking and crying, Arthur helped Charlie up, having an arm wrapped around his neck, before the two disapparated.

I kept staring at my hand covered in blood. My eyes were wide, I was crying uncontrollably and my entire body was shaking.

I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down but as I did, all I could see was Charlie's eyes and the way they stared up at me with pure love even though he laid there, covered in his own blood.

"Ember, dear." Molly called softly as she approached me. "Let's get you up and inside... I've got the boys."

I opened my eyes and looked at her before I looked around wildly, searching for my boys, then realising Molly had brought them inside while I was panicking.

"I don't— he's—"

"I know." She said softly, helping me to my feet. "Let's get you cleaned up. He's safe now."

"I'm sorry." I cried while she helped me inside. "I gave up on him. I'm so sorry that I gave up. He's not dead... h-he's alive..."

"Exactly." Molly tried to force a smile at me. "And he's going to be fine. You're in shock... once we get you cleaned up and fed, we can sit down with some tea and talk, yeah?"

She guided me to sit down as she herself went and found a washcloth.

When she returned, I looked around until my eyes landed on the stroller, carrying both of my boys who now were quiet as ever.

Just looking at them, already helped me calm down a bit.

Molly took my hands in hers and started cleaning them while my eyes stayed glued to my boys who were now sleeping peacefully.

I couldn't process what had happened. One moment I stood there with Marino, and the next Charlie appeared, landing in the grass, bleeding and barely conscious.

Everything had happened so fast and now I just felt so guilty that I had given up on the opportunity that he was still alive.

Though I was grateful that the gut feeling I had in my stomach about him being dead... was wrong.

Charlie was alive and he was gonna be okay...



I just wanted to write and publish this chapter before I leave for school.

Schools just opened again in my area so I have to start and my anxiety is really acting up.

I haven't been to physical school since October so it would be like starting at a new school because there're also new students.

Anyway, wish me luck...

- Julie

Yours truly ; Charlie Weasleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن