Chapter 2 : My Job!

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1:30 a.m.

I tossed and turned many times, I wasn't able to sleep. I had figured it out already, that I could take some time to adjust, though I know if I don't sleep, I will have to go looking like an lifeless zombie for my job hunting. After few mins, it was end of me being patient so I got up in an impatient and in a partly furious way and bumped into something

"Aaaah! ouch", I almost screamed.

-which made me limp almost all over. There came two knocks on my door which made me flinch, boldly I walked towards the door and opened it,  there was this zombie like looking figure, ahh well, it was the perfect way to describe this person, hovered like a tower in front of me.

"Please keep your volume down, we have a baby which was peacefully sleeping, she has woke up", This guy said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry", I almost banged the door on his face. He looked young for having a baby. Also he was noticeably handsome.

6:30 a.m.

I slept at 4:30, my face is pale and I am sleepy. I was at the verge of passing out after cleaning my whole house, arranging and stacking things and also knowing that I had only 2 hours of sleep. But anyway I needed my beauty sleep, and now I need to rush.

8:00 a.m.

*Deep breathe*

I found my first target, I am standing in front of a cafe, "Jin's Magical world of food". As I went inside it seemed pretty decent and nicely arranged, before bumping into someone. As I stepped back, I realised that this was the same man who came to my house yesterday night. And now, that zombie had turned into a way too handsome man, but with this curt look on his face. And he is not supposed to know that I almost banged the door on his face or woke his baby up neither that I am his neighbour, he might not give me the job even if theres a vacancy.

"What exactly are you planning to cause a nuisance this time?", he asked in an irritated voice. Which means he has figured out that I am his neighbor. Internally my face palmed.

"Anneyongi-ghaseyo! I am Ji eun, And I am actually looking for a part-time job if there are any vacancies here." I replied in an calm and cheerful voice, as much as possible.

"Oh okay, I am Kim Soek jin, the owner of this cafe. I apologize for being rude earlier. Follow me." He demanded.

The interior was really nice, the kitchen was also clean and tidy.

"So, you are here to be interviewed. I am gonna ask you some questions.And also assign some practical activities"


"Do you know how to cook?"


"Have you ever worked in a cafe or something?"


"I want you to cook some cupcakes and take first 5 orders. The shop opens at 9am you have 30 mins. Here are ingredients."

Such a ungrateful and demanding person. Anyways lets start. I will need eggs, sugar, butter.....(And she starts baking, these are her thoughts while she's baking) I was taught how to cook since I was small, first by my mom till the time she was alive and then at Seattle my foster parents had a private chef which taught me to cook. Every single time I cook or bake, it reminds me of my mom. I miss my parents every damn day.

I finish decorating my majestic oreo choco cupcakes, also tidying up the kitchen.

(the photo, i got from internet

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(the photo, i got from internet. Credits to the rightful owner. They look yum)

I plated them and placed it in front of him.

"Hm... Just in time. lemme taste them", he picked up 1, clumsily and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Woww they are pretty good", he picked another and continued to talk "you can start your next job, take first 5 orders". he said and went inside.

Time skip-

I am here at the supermarket for buying groceries. My interview-kind-of-thing impressed Mr.soHandsomebutRude or and I can start working from tomorrow. I need to buy things for my university which is starting from the day after tomorrow. As I walked to the counter for billing, someone called me from behind

"Ji eun?"

"Oh hey! hyo jin-ssi" I waved at her

"What are you doing here?" She asked

" I was buying groceries and also other things for  my university is gonna start soon"

"Your university, yeah right. Whens the first day by the way?"

"In my university? The day after tomorrow"

"And your seriously buying groceries?"


"Gurl, you need to have some fun!"


"Mom, I am going out with ji-eun, I will be home late"

"Where- Hey-"

And this way she pulled me somewhere. Of course with my grocery bags.
Here is it, the part 2! Thank you all for reading!
Love y'all!

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