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New stayed still when the door to his room opened. Gentle footsteps drew closer to his bed. He didn't move when his bed dipped and warm hands rested on his back.

"New," Earth whispered. He shook New's shoulders gently. "I came as soon as I could. I would've been here sooner if I had it my way."

New stayed silent. It had been six days since Tay sent him that message. That was six days being holed up in his room, staring at his bedroom walls until he fell asleep, and being in a state of complete numbness. He only tottered to the kitchen for some food when his stomach hurt too much.

When he posted about the temporary closing of his shop, some of his customers, mostly the college kids were supportive. "Come back when you're ready, we'll be waiting for you", "Take your time", "Fuck the press", "I'm rooting for you two", "I ship it", "TayNew!!", "Take care of yourself. Your mental health is more important".

It was lovely but they didn't know Tay had once again broken his heart.  There was no 'TayNew' to root for, it was just him and his lone self. And now Earth, who was stroking his arm.

"Fuck that rich son of a bitch." Earth cursed undertone. "When I see him, I'm going to pound his face in with my fists."

New didn't doubt that he would.

Earth sighed when he still didn't get a response. He lifted the covers and slid in next to New. He held his friend in his strong arms. It was how he always would when New got too overwhelmed with his feelings. Too deep in thought. New was not good with confrontation. He would rather shut himself down with his emotions. Earth knew this. He had been with New through so many disappointments. On the many occasions New tried to reconnect with his parents and failed, he'd get like this.

He gathered New's back to his chest. New relaxed against his friend. Earth stroked his arm. He whispered affirmations into his ears until he fell asleep again. It was the most peaceful sleep he had since the breakup.

When he woke up, Earth was running him a bath.

"You don't have to do all of this." New rested his weight against the door frame.

Earth looked up from where he was crouched by the bathtub. "Don't be silly. If I don't, who will?" He dipped his fingers into the water to check the temperature. "Perfect." he rose and approached New with a smile on his face. "Get in before I make you."

New sighed and pulled off his shirt. He eyed Earth who was still looking at him. "A little privacy, please?"

Earth laughed and closed the bathroom door behind him. New stripped down. He slowly lowered himself into the water. He closed his eyes and tried to chase away memories of him and Tay together in the penthouse bathtub. The soft kisses Tay pressed into his shoulders whilst he shampooed his hair. The gentle touches to his skin. And the not so gentle touch when he stroked his dick to a satisfying orgasm.

New held his breath and completely submerged himself into the water. It was quiet down there. He felt weightless. His thoughts were empty. If only he could stay here forever. Here, where there was no pain. He let himself sink further down the tub. Bliss.

"New!" Earth screamed and then he was being forcefully yanked out of the tub. He coughed out water that had almost entered his lungs. "Are you out of your mind?" Earth cried. "Are you out of your fucking mind? What did you—," he stopped. New's coughs had transformed into sobs. His face crumpled too. "Oh Newwiee," He whispered. Held the wet body to his chest.

New clung to his shirt. His chest heaved with heavy sobs. "Why me?" He wept. "Why does nobody want me? Am I so dispensable?"

Earth rocked him back and forth. Comforting hands stroked New's naked back. "I'm still here, am I not? I'm not going anywhere."

New wept harder. When he simmered down, Earth helped him out of the tub and toweled him dry. He helped him into some clean clothes and joined him under fresh sheets.

"Should I order some food?" They were lying face to face.

"I'm not hungry."

"Have you eaten today?" New shook his head. "You know I have to force you to eat right? You won't like it, but I have to make you."

New was aware of Earth's persuasion skills. "Not hungry." He repeated stubbornly.

Earth chuckled and booped him on the nose. "I can kill him, you know." New's lips curved into a small smile. "That's it. I want to see you smile more. You're twice the person he is, you know that right?"

New blinked and nodded even though he didn't believe it. He could never measure up to the man Tay Tawan was.

His best friend, as if reading his thoughts, flicked him on the forehead. "Money does not make a man. It's what's in here." He touched an index finger to New's chest. "You have this in abundance. You trust too easily and you love wholly. You know how bad love can hurt. Yet, you still give your heart out. Money can't give you that."

New snuggled closer to his friend.


He went to work the next day. The 'scandal' invited more customers to the shop. He assumed most people wanted to see the poor man who managed to beguile a Vihokratana. A few regulars asked about Tay. He politely told them he was taking a long break from everything.

He was locking up for the day when he got a call. There was no caller ID. Strange.

"This is a call from Phayathai police station. Press 1 to accept the charges." New pulled the phone from his ears. He frowned and pressed 1.

"Oh thank God, New." Earth exhaled. "Please come bail me out."

"What the hell, Pirapat?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when you get here."

Two hours later, a police officer handed a plastic bag with earth's valuables to him. He gave Earth a dirty look. Earth smiled back cheekily. He followed New outside.

New sat in the driver's seat of Earth's car. His car was still at the hotel. He had no intentions of going for it any time soon. "Start talking."

Earth started pulling his stuff out of the plastic bag. "I saw on TV that Tawan was at an inaugural ceremony at the new Phayathai hospital. I came down here and attempted to punch him in the face."

New hang his head. He sighed. "That doesn't sound like a long story, Pirapat."

He shrugged. "It was longer when it was happening."

"You're lucky he did not press charges." Earth only grunted in response. They stayed silent for a few seconds. Then, New asked, "Did you at least get a small punch in?"

"No." He twisted his lips in disappointment. This was a nan who would repeat his mistakes. "I think my fists grazed one of his guard's shoulders. Next thing I knew, I was being held down by strong arms."

New stared long at his friend. He looked more devastated about being unable to punch Tay than the fact that he just spent hours in a prison cell. He burst into laughter. "God, Earth. You're crazy!"  He patted his best friend's shoulders. Squeezed. "Don't worry, you'll get him next time."

Earth's eyes started to smile before his lips did. "I won't miss."

New didn't care much for the news. But that night, he tuned in just to see Tay. He looked like a completely different person. His hair was slicked back to accentuate his chiseled face. His suit was a dark charcoal color. Probably selected to match the color of his soul.

Despite the slight resentment, he still felt a strong pull towards him. It took him a year to get over Tay back in high school. He'd need two or three to recover from this one.

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